【天命2】命運故事《光能重擔》— 荊棘(二):盛放

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-12-08 16:49:20 作者:Geneva Language

不知道這是什麼? 那就先來看看這裡--->《光能重擔》簡介









[u.1:0.1] 我能看看你那裡有什麼嗎?


[u.1:0.2] 你的手炮,我能看看嗎?


[u.2:0.1] 我認識你嗎?


[u.1:0.3] 我覺得我們應該不認識。

[u.2:0.2] 你想拿走我的槍嗎?


[u.1:0.4] 我只是······從來沒有見過那樣的東西。


[u.2:0.3] 你當然沒有。

[u.1:0.5] 看起來這玩意很危險。

[u.2:0.4] 看吧,也許,這就是問題所在。

[u.1:0.6] 可能吧。

[u.1:0.7] 我能看看嗎?

[u.2:0.5] 我覺得你可能沒那個本事


[u.1:0.8] 你在······你在哪找到的這東西?


[u.1:0.9] 你有在聽我說話嗎?


[u.3:0.1] 他在問你話呢。


[u.2:0.6] 不是找的,我自己做的。

[u.1:1.0] 嘿,手藝不賴啊,你是個槍匠?

[u.2:0.7] 我看起來像個槍匠嗎。

[u.1:1.1] 人不可貌相嘛。

[u.2:0.8] 好吧,你沒看錯。

[u.1:1.2] 你遇到了什麼麻煩嗎?

[u.2:0.9] 不需要。

[u.1:1.3] 沒事就好······至於那個玩意。


[u.2:1.0] 去過月球嗎?

[u.1:1.4] 什麼?

[u.2:1.1] 你頭頂上那個,月球,去過嗎?

[u.1:1.5] 沒人去過那。

[u.2:1.2] 那就是真相嗎?

[u.1:1.6] 事實就是如此。

[u.2:1.3] 你對這兩個詞得理解還真有趣。

[u.1:1.7] 真相是你一定覺得自己是個很特殊的存在吧,就像你的那種態度一樣,那種把我們看的比沙子還要渺小,就好像我們根本不存在一樣。

[u.1:1.8] 而事實上······你並沒有你想象中的這麼厲害,事實就是特別的人總是特別的,直到他不再那麼特別。


[u.2:1.4] 骨頭好像另有說法。

[u.1:1.9] 說明白點。

[u.2:1.5] 你說的是,沒有人,但骨頭另有說法。

[u.1:2.0] 什麼骨頭?

[u.2:1.6] 那些都是。

[u.1:2.1] 你在搞什麼名堂?

[u.2:1.7] 數不過來。

[u.1:2.2] 你是覺得這裡缺了點火藥味是嗎?我們就是在和你聊天而已。

[u.2:1.8] 你還不夠格。

[u.4:0.1] 嘿我們這有個大哲學家。

[u.2:1.9] 相比起來我還是更經驗豐富一點,但是經驗也有他的優勢。

[u.1:2.3] 所以你的經驗告訴你應該在只是想找你聊聊天的陌生人面前閉上嘴?

[u.2:2.0] 繼續,或許我們會的。

[u.1:2.4] 會什麼,聊天?

[u.2:2.1] 有話可講。

[u.1:2.5] 那我們現在在幹嘛?我們現在不就在幹這事嗎?

[u.2:2.2] 跟我聊天的人叫的聲音一般都很響。


[u.1:2.6] 你是在威脅我們?

[u.2:2.3] 這是真相。

[u.1:2.7] 你(髒話)以為你是誰?

[u.2:2.4] 根據你的“事實”,沒人。但是我坐在這。

[u.1:2.8] 我管你的手炮有多漂亮。你繼續,我們倒是想看看你喜歡多大聲的聊天。


[u.1:2.9] 怎麼不講了?終於有人弄明白自己現在所處的狀況了嗎?

[u.2:2.5] 做過噩夢嗎?

[u.1:3.0] 你是在玩遊戲嗎?還是終於搞清楚狀況把自己嚇傻了?

[u.2:2.6] 我知道你夢裡怕什麼。這個世界?沒辦法,但是。

[u.1:3.1] 我沒有夢魘,相反,我是很多人夢裡都不敢碰見的存在。

[u.2:2.7] 用些陳詞濫調。把自己描繪的像個完美的匪徒。

[u.2:2.8] 聽聽你的聲音 — 你說的話,你假裝硬漢的影子······

[u.1:3.2] 你(髒話)的說的什麼東西,大半夜的哪來的影子。





[u.2:2.8] 坐下。


[u.2:3.0] 我說,坐下。

[u.2:3.1] 你的這張嘴害死了你的朋友們哦。

[u.2:3.2] 這就是你想惹惱我的下場,至於現在。

[u.2:3.3] 我 非 常 生 氣。

[u.1:3.3] 什······不不不聽我解····

[u.2:3.4] 噓·······

[u.1:3.4] 但是···但是····你不是···你跟他們一樣···你是個守護者,是吧?

[u.1:3.5] 你應該跟那些人一樣是個好人沒錯吧。

[u.2:3.5] “應該是?”說不定呢,但說不定,這才是好人呢?

[u.2:3.6] 再說了,好與壞,誰說得清呢?

[u.1:3.6] 我······

[u.2:3.7] 你想看看我給你準備的獎品嗎?

[u.1:3.7] 不···我

[u.2:3.8] 看看它。

[u.1:3.8] 我······


[u.2:3.9] 流眼淚可不會阻止接下來要發生的事哦

[u.2:4.0] 看······


[u.2:4.1] 看著它。

[u.2:4.2] 睜開你的眼睛。


[u.2:4.3] 沒有多少人能看到這般純淨的景色。

[u.2:4.4] 看這骨頭····看著它。參差不齊地,像荊棘一般。

[u.2:4.5] 我曾經一度以為這是一朵玫瑰。

[u.2:4.6] 含苞待放。

[u.2:4.7] 但是盛開綻放只是它憤怒帶來的產物之一。


[u.2:4.8] 你做過噩夢嗎?


[u.2:4.9] 你有過夢魘嗎?那種當你睜開雙眼,你才意識到這恐怖的感覺並非來自於夢境之中?而就站在你的眼前?

[u.2:5.0] 我見過他們。

[u.2:5.1] 他們生活在暗影之中。

[u.2:5.2] 他們一直在觀察你。

[u.2:5.3] 我想···這很愚蠢,我知道···但是我在那看到了一條路。

[u.2:5.4] 那條可能讓我們能夠獲得勝利,讓我們能活下去的,路。

[u.2:5.5] 但當你朝著暗影中踏出第一步,就很難再回到原來光能照耀de道路上去了。

[u.2:5.6] 但那或許····或許只是我還不夠強大。

[u.2:5.7] 也許吧。

[u.2:5.8] 但我現在感覺渾身充滿的力量。


[u.2:5.9] 我竊取了暗影的力量。

[u.2:6.0] 又或者說,暗影竊取了我的存在。

[u.2:6.1] 但無論是哪種方式,我們都站在這裡。

[u.2:6.2] 而現在,我餓了。

[u.2:6.3] 非常飢餓。

[u.2:6.4] 你除了那點因為生活閃耀出的點點火光之外,沒有任何光能。

[u.2:6.5] 但那火花是某種存在。


[u.2:6.6] 睜開你的眼睛。








【天命2】命運故事《光能重擔》— 荊棘(二):盛放-第0張


TYPE: Transcript.

DESCRIPTION: Conversation.

PARTIES: Four [4]. Three [3] unidentified [u.1, u.2, u.3], One [1] unconfirmed.

ASSOCIATIONS: Breaklands; Durga; Last Word; Malphur, Shin; North Channel; Palamon; Thorn; Velor; Ward, Jaren; WoS; Yor, Dredgen;



[u.1:0.1] Can I see what you got there?


[u.1:0.2] Yer cannon...can I see it?


[u.2:0.1] I know you?


[u.1:0.3] Not that I can say.

[u.2:0.2] And you wanna hold my piece?


[u.1:0.4] Just that I never...seen one like it.


[u.2:0.3] No, you haven't.

[u.1:0.5] Looks dangerous.

[u.2:0.4] Seems, maybe, that's the point.

[u.1:0.6] Suppose so.

[u.1:0.7] Can I see it?

[u.2:0.5] Not likely.


[u.1:0.8] Where'd...where'd you find it?


[u.1:0.9] You hearin' me?


[u.3:0.1] He asked you question.


[u.2:0.6] Didn't find it. Made it.

[u.1:1.0] Heh. Helluva touch you got then. You a 'smith?

[u.2:0.7] I look like a 'smith?

[u.1:1.1] Looks can be deceiving.

[u.2:0.8] Got that right.

[u.1:1.2] There a problem?

[u.2:0.9] Doesn't need to be.

[u.1:1.3] Glad we got that cleared up...Now, about that piece.


[u.2:1.0] Been to Luna?

[u.1:1.4] Excuse me?

[u.2:1.1] The Moon. You been?

[u.1:1.5] Nobody's been.

[u.2:1.2] That a truth?

[u.1:1.6] That's a fact.

[u.2:1.3] Funny you'd make that distinction.

[u.1:1.7] Truth is you must think you're some kinda something special. With that attitude. The way you're just dismissin' us like you we're nothing...like we ain't even here.

[u.1:1.8] Fact is...You ain't near as rock solid as you figure. Fact is, special's only special 'til it's not.


[u.2:1.4] The bones say otherwise.

[u.1:1.9] Speak straight.

[u.2:1.5] You say "nobody." Bones say otherwise.

[u.1:2.0] What bones?

[u.2:1.6] All of them.

[u.1:2.1] What're you gettin' at?

[u.2:1.7] Too many to count.

[u.1:2.2] You trying to get a rile outta us? Was only making conversation.

[u.2:1.8] You really weren't.

[u.4:0.1] We got a smart one here.

[u.2:1.9] Experienced more than smart. But experience has its advantages.

[u.1:2.3] Experience tell you to lip off to strangers just tryin' to make talk?

[u.2:2.0] Keep insisting and maybe we will.

[u.1:2.4] Talk?

[u.2:2.1] Have words.

[u.1:2.5] Ain't that what we're doin'?

[u.2:2.2] My conversations tend to be a bit louder.


[u.1:2.6] That a threat.

[u.2:2.3] A truth.

[u.1:2.7] Who the hell you think you are?

[u.2:2.4] According to your facts, "nobody." Yet, here I sit.

[u.1:2.8] Don't matter much how pretty yer cannon is. You keep it up, we'll see just how loud you like to get.


[u.1:2.9] You done talkin' now? Guess he knows his place, boys.

[u.2:2.5] Ever have a nightmare?

[u.1:3.0] You playin' games? Or just thick?

[u.2:2.6] I know you have. This world? Can't help, but.

[u.1:3.1] I don't have nightmares. I give 'em.

[u.2:2.7] You are a goddamn cliché. The picture perfect bandit.

[u.2:2.8] Hearing your voice - the things you're saying, the shade of the hard man you pretend to be...

[u.1:3.2] Ain't no shade.

[audible crack]

[audible crack]

[audible crack]


[u.2:2.8] Sit down.


[u.2:3.0] Sit. Down.

[u.2:3.1] Your mouth just got your friends dead.

[u.2:3.2] This is what happens when you bore me. And right now...

[u.2:3.3] I'm so very bored.

[u.1:3.3] Wha...No listen...

[u.2:3.4] Shhhhh.

[u.1:3.4] But...but...you're a...you're one of them...A Guardian, right?

[u.1:3.5] You're supposed t'be one'a the good ones.

[u.2:3.5] "Supposed to be?" Maybe I am. Maybe this is what "good" looks like.

[u.2:3.6] Anymore, who can tell?

[u.1:3.6] I...

[u.2:3.7] You wanted to see my prize.

[u.1:3.7] No...I...

[u.2:3.8] Look at it.

[u.1:3.8] I...

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:3.9] Whimpering won't stop what comes next.

[u.2:4.0] Look...

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:4.1] Look at it.

[u.2:4.2] Open your eyes.

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:4.3] Not many get such a clean view.

[u.2:4.4] The bone...You see it. Jagged, like thorns.

[u.2:4.5] I used to think of it as a rose...

[u.2:4.6] Focusing on its bloom.

[u.2:4.7] But the bloom is just a byproduct of its anger.


[u.2:4.8] You have nightmares?

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:4.9] Ever seen a nightmare? Ever opened your eyes and realized the horror wasn't a dream? The terror wasn't gone?

[u.2:5.0] I've seen nightmares.

[u.2:5.1] They live in the shadows.

[u.2:5.2] They've been watching.

[u.2:5.3] I thought...It's foolish, I know...but I thought I saw a way.

[u.2:5.4] That maybe we could win. Maybe we could survive.

[u.2:5.5] But once you step into those shadows, it's so very hard to walk in the Light.

[u.2:5.6] Or...maybe I just wasn't strong enough.

[u.2:5.7] Maybe.

[u.2:5.8] But I feel strong now.

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:5.9] I stole the dark.

[u.2:6.0] Or, maybe it stole me.

[u.2:6.1] Either way, here we are.

[u.2:6.2] And I'm hungry.

[u.2:6.3] Its hungry.

[u.2:6.4] You have no Light beyond the spark of your pathetic life.

[u.2:6.5] But a spark is something.

[audible sobbing]

[u.2:6.6] Open your eyes.

[audible sobbing]

[audible sobbing]

[audible crack]





本文內容來源於《Destiny Grimoire Anthology》--Chapter 2《The Burden of Light》(由於黑盒編輯沒有斜體在此用中文書名符號標識)若想去閱讀原文請移步至相關網站購買,本文由小黑盒用戶Geneva獨立翻譯,轉載請註明,若有爭議請與我聯繫,感謝配合。

© 2022 3樓貓 下載APP 站點地圖 廣告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com