
3楼猫 发布时间:2024-04-26 23:44:50 作者:奥特大壮 Language

Thank you for your feedback and bug reports thus far! We have another set of fixes and improvements for you from today.


Fixed issue that would sometimes prevent players from connecting to co-op loaded from saves.


Fixed revealed areas not loading for client in co-op after connecting.


Added message with a specific error when connection to co-op fails.


Added warning when joining co-op games if versions are incompatible (requiring update).


Increased storage for Simple Workbench and Weaver Loom.

增加了 Simple Workbench 和 Weaver Loom 的存储空间。

Balanced deer's awareness and vision range further.


Added map icon for Simple Workbench.

添加了 Simple Workbench 的地图图标。

Fixed workers gaining extremely high Farming skill XP


Fixed wrong stamina for new players joining a co-op game


Fixed rare co-op crash related to aiming with a bow


Fixed crash in co-op when client tries to open a settlement menu from Cottage

修复了客户端尝试从 Cottage 打开结算菜单时合作模式崩溃的问题

Fixed Bloomery icon in Tech Tree

修复了科技树中的 Bloomery 图标

Optimized map screen - if you were experiencing crashes on GPUs with lower than minimum required VRAM, let us know if it helped

优化的地图屏幕 - 如果您在 GPU 上遇到低于最低要求 VRAM 的崩溃,请告诉我们是否有帮助

© 2022 3楼猫 下载APP 站点地图 广告合作:asmrly666@gmail.com