《鲁邦三世》×《猫眼三姐妹》 联动特别原创动画

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-22 13:54:27 作者:动漫资讯BOT Language

近日,官方公布《鲁邦三世》×《猫眼三姐妹》 联动特别原创动画的制作决定,2023年 Amazon Prime Video 独占播出。



《鲁邦三世》×《猫眼三姐妹》 联动特别原创动画-第0张

《鲁邦三世》×《猫眼三姐妹》 联动特别原创动画-第1张

Unity has released a big report on multiplayer games. As part of the study, she interviewed 1,500 people from the US, UK, Japan, and South Korea. 91% of users of multiplayer projects play titles with the crossplay function. 61% of respondents bought additional content for multiplayer games. The two most popular genres are battle royales and first-person shooters. They are preferred by 32% of gamers. The last place in the top 14 went to turn-based games (5%). The key things that gamers look at when choosing a title are the genre (49%), whether their friends play it (34%), the presence of a chat (31%).

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