
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-01-31 18:48:04 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




昨日,据知名舅舅党Tom Henderson透露,Epic平台大逃杀类动作游戏《摔角城大乱斗》将于2月底停服,游戏自去年8月份发布以来距今还不足半年的时间。Tom Henderson还透露游戏近期就可能会从商店下架,官方也会发布公告。


《摔跤城大乱斗》是一款可以免费畅玩的全新 40 人乱斗大赛游戏,混合搭配数百种独特物品来自定义你的斗士,从众多参赛者中脱颖而出。



The free Epic Games brawler Rumbleverse is said to be discontinued at the end of February. If the rumors are true, then Rumbleverse only had a short lifespan. Allegedly, the free-to-play Battle Royale brawler will stop operating at the end of February, as insider Tom Henderson claims. Rumbleverse was developed by Iron Galaxy and published by Epic Games. After an early access phase in February 2022, the game was released six months later in August, including for Xbox consoles. In the digital stores, Rumbleverse could even be removed today. There is no official announcement about this. = Partner & affiliate links: Possible listed offers are usually provided with so-called affiliate links. With a purchase through one of these links you support Xboxdynasty. Without affecting the price, we receive a small commission from the provider and can offer this website to you free of charge.

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