原神|美食英語稻妻篇~多多燒 More-and-More

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-05-01 14:28:05 作者:無眠英語ENG Language




原神|美食英語稻妻篇~多多燒 More-and-More-第0張


A snack grilled on an iron plate. Water is added to flour and stirred into a slurry, vegetables and meat are added, and the mix is grilled well on an iron plate before taking on a splash of sauce and a sprinkle of dried bonito flakes. This tastes delicious no matter how many ingredients one adds, and indeed it makes people feel like "the more ingredients, the merrier, hence the dish's name.

grill /ɡrɪl/ v. 燒烤,烤制

iron plate 鐵板

slurry /ˈslɜːri/ n. 泥漿;懸浮液

bonito /bəˈniːtəʊ/ n. 鰹;狐鰹


原神|美食英語稻妻篇~多多燒 More-and-More-第1張


A snack grilled on an iron plate. It certainly looks the part, but you start getting a bad feeling about this upon first bite. Guess you can't slack off when making food after all, huh?

slack off 偷懶;懈怠


原神|美食英語稻妻篇~多多燒 More-and-More-第2張


A snack grilled on an iron plate. The rich ingredients have been stacked atop one another. One bite into the crisp outer layer reveals the soft tenderness within. The lovely sauce clothes the condiments luxuriously, flowing between lips and teeth alike 

en route to the stomach. Even the aroma that lingers in the air has ascended to become part of its unforgettable deliciousness.

en route (法)在途中

鐵板燒制的小吃。豐富的食材層層堆疊,一口下去,外層酥脆,中間鬆軟。香滑的醬汁像給餡料穿上一層絲質的外衣,從唇齒間一溜煙滑入腹中。連空中殘留的香氣, 也已昇華成難以忘懷的美味。

原神|美食英語稻妻篇~多多燒 More-and-More-第3張



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