
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-08-15 21:24:49 作者:ASDFG789 Language







xs決戰效應是一款 2.5D 的多人動作遊戲,靈感來源於 80、90 年代的動作電影。穿越時空的各類英雄集結於此,樂趣無窮的大亂鬥就此展開!


各種爆炸在這裡簡直是家常便飯,就連躲避子彈也是可行的。用掃帚刺穿你的戰友,背上你的噴氣揹包衝向敵人,這些都已經變成了決戰效應的常見場面了。遊戲還完整支持流媒體技術,讓你無需第三方軟件支持就可以在 Twitch.tv 上面分享的你的遊戲直播。


  • 最多支持 8 人的快節奏,動作電影式的多人大亂鬥
  • 遊戲內置流媒體支持,無縫連接 Twitch 分享遊戲視頻
  • 6 位經典角色,每位都擁有獨特的能力
  • 橫跨兩大場景的四大關卡
  • 4 種完全免費且支持團隊競賽的遊戲模式
  • 在遊戲中使用經典的埃羅排名法進行單人比賽的配對,更加公平
  • 創建你自己的規則,創造屬於自己的比賽——來一局手槍戰怎麼樣!
  • 不斷的獎勵機制使你解鎖更多的角色以及武器樣式
  • 在不同的場景中感受最頂尖電影動作設計的魅力吧
  • 眾多的英雄人物與武器,不計其數的動作元素為你帶來無限的遊戲樂趣











The cult classic video game The Showdown Effect is just about to get a free, fully licensed fan release, courtesy of publisher Paradox Interactive. The game is currently scheduled to be released on August 20, 2022 after a somewhat lengthy development process. Players are not in fact even required to have a copy of the original game. “The Showdown Effect: Reloaded is a fan-created, officially licensed from Paradox Interactive, ultimate edition of The Showdown Effect,” the developers remarked. “The Showdown Effect: Reloaded is a high-octane, 2D, platform fighter where you fight up to seven other players in action-packed battles! 100 percent fan developed.” RELATED: Star Wars KOTOR 2 Deserves Better Than A Dodgy Switch Port When it comes to features, the fan release doesn’t disappoint. According to the developers, “this ultimate edition includes bug fixes, balance improvements, new features, and is completely free, no need to have the original title.” The team goes on to explain that “if you're interested in trying this game out, an early release version can be installed here.” The Showdown Effect was released to rather mixed reviews back in 2013, but soon developed a strong community of players. The game remains a cult classic to this day. Set in a futuristic Tokyo during the year 2027, the game drew heavily from exploitation films, all of the characters being one of the various protagonists in these movies. The interaction between characters mostly consists of comical barks and one liners. The two studios behind the original game, Pixeldiet and Arrowhead, once described The Shadow Effect as a “2.5D multiplayer action game in which players will be participating in deathmatches to gain glory and fame. The Showdown Effect operates on the principle of ‘more is more’ and offers an infinite amount of ways to customize your gameplay. Whether it’s character, stage, game mode, or weapons, customize as much as you want and control how creatively you want to kill your friends! Remember, the gorier it is, the better the showdown you will have!” The community which has built up around the original game over the course of this past decade is of course looking forward to the fan release with great anticipation. The overall feeling is nostalgic, but many people are hoping The Showdown Effect gets a new lease on life going forward.

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