Maude Eccles is entrusting her burning passion for justice to the next generation of bounty hunters, and looking for someone to take over Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement, tracking down and dragging in wrongdoers from all across Los Santos and Blaine County.
Work with Maude's daughter Jenette in GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties to run down all manner of reprobate scum and claim bounties in this action-packed new update to GTA Online launching on June 25.
与茉德的女儿珍妮特在GTA 在线:油水榨干赏金生意中合作,在6月25日推出的GTA 线上的这个动作包装的新更新中,追捕各种卑鄙的人渣并要求赏金。

A GTA Online character leans against a Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement van outside of the company building.
As you clean up the streets of Southern San Andreas, utilize a range of new Law Enforcement Vehicles in off-the-books Dispatch Work for LSPD Officer Vincent Effenburger. Plus, look out for new Drift and Drag Races in the Rockstar Creator, a host of new vehicles, experience updates, and tons more all arriving in GTA Online throughout summer and beyond.
一个GTA Online角色靠在公司大楼外油水榨干保金追讨公司面包车上。
当你清理圣安地列斯南部的街道时,使用一系列新的执法车辆,为LSPD官员文森特·埃芬伯格(Vincent Effenburger)进行秘密调度工作。另外,在R星制作器中寻找新的漂移和直线竞速,一系列新车,体验更新,以及更多在整个夏天及以后到达GTA Online。
Justice arrives on June 25 with GTA Online: Bottom Dollar Bounties on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.
正义将于6月25日在PlayStation 5,PlayStation 4,Xbox Series X|S,Xbox One和PC上随着GTA线上:油水榨干赏金生意推出。