原神|美食英语~肉肉烤蘑菇披萨 Meat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-17 19:33:08 作者:无眠英语ENG Language




原神|美食英语~肉肉烤蘑菇披萨 Meat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza-第0张


A pizza freshly baked from the oven. The crust is dotted with large chunks of meat and fresh mushroom slices. The sweet, stretchy cheese further adds to the charm. You have no doubt that every slice will be snatched away the moment it is served. Speed, therefore, is a gourmet's best buddy when this pizza is on the table.


原神|美食英语~肉肉烤蘑菇披萨 Meat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza-第1张


A pizza freshly baked in an oven. The messy lumps of cheese and ingredients give off a greasy smell, with a rock-hard crust just to make things worse. Well, what has the poor dish gone through to end up in this state? Was it the baking time or the excessive fermentation?



原神|美食英语~肉肉烤蘑菇披萨 Meat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza-第2张


A pizza freshly baked in an oven. Every inch of the crust is saturated with the fatty aroma of meat. Some mushrooms have been sprinkled on top to add freshness. Just a small mouthful shall greet your taste buds with the rich scent of cheese — most enticing indeed. You can't help reaching for another slice before you've even finished off the one in your hand.


原神|美食英语~肉肉烤蘑菇披萨 Meat Lovers' Mushroom Pizza-第3张


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