
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-10-05 11:25:26 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




Orion為《賽博龐克 2077》遊戲續作的開發代號,旨在突破《賽博龐克》這一系列背景的極限,探索該暗黑未來宇宙的潛力。



Polaris 是《巫師》新三部曲中首作的開發代號,目前處於早期開發階段,相關消息還待之後公佈。


3.Canis Majoris

Canis Majoris 是基於 Polaris 新三部曲之外的正統《巫師》背景的遊戲,由《巫師》前開發者組成的外部工作室製作。



Sirius 是由波士頓 Molasses Flood 工作室開發、CDPR 提供支持的《巫師》遊戲作品的代號。有別於我們先前作品的遊戲,Sirius處了包含劇情和任務的單人遊戲,還將支持多人遊戲。



作為壓軸項目,Hadar 是 CDPR 第三個、也是首個完全自主創作的 IP。不過該項目目前還處在塑造世界觀的初期創意階段,遊戲開發尚未開始。


Recently, the developers have also published fresh screenshots of the game, in which the main character fights against Necromorph enemies. The release of the remake is scheduled for January 27, 2023 for PS5, Xbox Series and PC. The game already has its pages in Epic Games Store and Steam – pre-orders have already started at $60 for the regular version and $70 for the extended version. The latter includes three unique suits and two textures for them. As in the original, Clark will have to explore the gloomy corridors and rooms of the USG Ishimura – he received a message from his girlfriend Nicole, but after that the connection was interrupted. And the character quickly realizes that the ship is captured by monsters, and he has to figure out what is happening. In the trailer, you can just see some of the classic places and necromorphs of the first Dead Space. More on Aroged

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