
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-12 14:59:37 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language

遊戲開發者在社交媒體上宣佈,遊戲將在本月晚些時候於9月23日登陸Xbox X系列遊戲機。遊戲目前可在任天堂Switch、PS4、Xbox One和PC上運行。





© Developers of The House Of The Dead Remake have taken to social media to announce that the game will hit Xbox Series X|S consoles later this month on September 23rd. The House Of The Dead: Remake is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC. The House of the Dead: Remake offers players around the world the opportunity to discover or rediscover this timeless arcade classic from SEGA. In The House of the Dead: Remake, you take on the role of a pair of government agents sent to investigate disappearances, but to find hordes of undead monsters. Renowned biochemist and geneticist, Dr. Roy Curien is obsessed with his life’s project to discover the nature of life and death. When he finally succeeds, it’s time for his former colleague Sophie Richards to turn to her friends at AMS for help; Thomas Rogan and Agent G. Their mission is simple: complete the doctor’s creepy project and save all the laboratory staff.

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