【PC游戏】TGA年度最佳格斗游戏 《华纳大乱斗》Steam玩家流失近乎100%

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-02-16 19:21:26 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



【PC游戏】TGA年度最佳格斗游戏 《华纳大乱斗》Steam玩家流失近乎100%-第0张

由华纳兄弟游戏推出大乱斗格斗游戏《华纳大乱斗》(MultiVersus)在本周早些时候Steam日活玩家跌破了1000人,而《华纳大乱斗》在Steam发售时,玩家人数峰值一度超过了15万,并且该作还是TGA 2022年度最佳格斗游戏的获奖者。

【PC游戏】TGA年度最佳格斗游戏 《华纳大乱斗》Steam玩家流失近乎100%-第1张



【PC游戏】TGA年度最佳格斗游戏 《华纳大乱斗》Steam玩家流失近乎100%-第2张


《华纳大乱斗》第三赛季原定于2月15日推出,但开发商开发商PlayerFirst Games将其推迟到3月31日,理由是希望给予玩家更多时间来完成第二赛季战斗通行证,这遭到了玩家的强烈谴责,玩家曾希望第三赛季的到来最终能为游戏带来一些新内容。

On paper, the concept that WB offers through MultiVersus should be a popular fighting game with a long history. It combines popular characters from iconic franchises in the same space, bringing them together in more friendly Smash Bros-style fighting action, with a free-to-play style distribution as well. Even though in the end gamers from several regions, including Indonesia, still couldn’t enjoy it because it was locked for reasons that never opened it, MultiVersus shone in the first month of its release. Seven months later? A grim fate awaits him. After having recruited hundreds of thousands of active gamers at the beginning of its release, MultiVersus, which continues to be supported through content updates, projects a bleak future through its current number of active players. Believe it or not, at least on Steam, MultiVersus lost almost 99% of the total number of active players it ever recorded. The game, which had recorded concurrent player numbers of up to 153,433 users, now only has the peak player count of only 986 users. At only seven months old, this is certainly not a number WB as a publisher wants to see. MultiVersus lost 99% of its player count on Steam. Season 3 MultiVersus itself will only arrive at the end of March 2023. What do you think of this one situation? Are you optimistic that MultiVersus can survive and find its momentum again?

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