
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-19 20:03:06 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




卡普空的負責人Kento Kinoshita在與IGN日本分部的對話中說,《生化危機:村莊》的蘿絲魅影DLC將是關於Ethan Winters(《生化危機7》和《生化危機:村莊》的主角)家庭故事的最後部分。




蘿絲魅影DLC由Ethan Winters的女兒主演,發生在主遊戲的事件之後。將於10月28日與《生化危機:村莊》黃金版一起發佈。

© AT conversations with the Japanese division of IGN, Kento Kinoshita – the head of Capcom – said that the Shadows of Rose DLC for Resident Evil: Village will be the final part of the story about the family of Ethan Winters – the protagonist of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil: Village. However, Capcom representatives did not answer the question of what will happen in Resident Evil next. As they said, they cannot share the company’s plans for the series. The Shadows of Rose DLC, starring Ethan Winters’ daughter and taking place after the events of the main game, releases October 28 alongside the release of the Gold Edition of Resident Evil: Village.

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