【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-04-16 15:29:31 作者:zeruo Language

“將事物留存於心,它就隨你繼續活著。但如果忘記了它,它就被永遠封存,那才是真正的死亡。” -------------------先知

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20-第0張




There, the door is open and you can enter the glade beyond it. Listen closely in there and you may hear the utterings of bugs long gone.


Essence can be found wherever dreams take root. Have you seen them? Those whispering plants that grow all over this old Kingdom? I believe there is one just outside. Why not strike it with your Dream Nail, and see what happens?

有時夢境會變為已經逝去之人的外形。這樣的夢境蘊含著豐富的精華! 你應該仔細搜索附近的墳墓和紀念碑。我在安息之地裡看到過一個很有意思的墓碑。 一旦你下定決心要去驚擾沉眠之人的夢境,你就要做好戰鬥的準備……

Sometimes dreams take the shape of those who have passed away. Such dreams are bountiful sources of Essence! You should search carefully near graves and other monuments. Why, I believe I saw an interesting gravestone here in the Resting Grounds. If you do decide to disturb those dreams though, be prepared for a fight...


This kingdom is full of old memories, both beautiful and grotesque. Seek them out, reveal them, and gather Essence.

嗯,看來在收集夢境精華這件事上你還是沒什麼經驗。用夢之釘收集 100 精華之後再過來找我,我會告訴你一些小知識。

Hm. You are still unpracticed in the way of dreams. Collect 100 Essence with the Dream Nail; visit me again and I will share what little wisdom I have.

你和夢之釘看起來都更具鋒芒了,但你還有很長的路要走。等你收集了 200 精華之後再回到我這裡。

You and the Dream Nail both seem a little sharper, but you still have a long way to go. Return to me once you have collected 200 Essence.

你和夢之釘看起來都更具鋒芒了,但你還有很長的路要走。等你收集了 300 精華之後再回到我這裡。

You and the Dream Nail both seem a little sharper, but you still have a long way to go. Return to me once you have collected 300 Essence.

啊,你又學到了很多使用夢之釘的技巧啊,不是嗎?當你收集了 500 精華之後我會教你更多東西。

Ah, you have learnt a lot about wielding the Dream Nail, haven';t you? Return to me once you have collected 500 Essence and I will teach you more.

啊,你又學到了很多使用夢之釘的技巧啊,不是嗎?當你收集了 700 精華之後我會教你更多東西。

Ah, you have learnt a lot about wielding the Dream Nail, haven';t you? Return to me once you have collected 700 Essence and I will teach you more.

啊,你已經開始變得夢幻起來了!等你收集到 900 精華,我會教授你一個“獨門秘技”……

My my, you';re almost starting to become a dream yourself! Once you have collected 900 Essence I';ll teach you a trick that I';ve kept hidden for a long time...

啊,夢之釘散發著如此明亮的光輝!繼續努力。等你收集了 1200 精華之後再回到我這裡。

Ahhh, the Dream Nail is glowing so brightly! Keep it up. Return to me once you have collected 1200 Essence.

啊,夢之釘散發著如此明亮的光輝!繼續努力。等你收集了 1500 精華之後再回到我這裡。

Ahhh, the Dream Nail is glowing so brightly! Keep it up, return to me once you have collected 1500 Essence.

難以置信……夢之釘已經快要完全覺醒了!收集更多的精華!等你擁有 1800 精華之後,會出現不可思議的奇蹟!

Incredible... the Dream Nail, it is so close to fully awakening! Collect more Essence! Once you have 1800 Essence, something truly marvellous will happen!

夢之釘已經完全覺醒了,但你卻還在收集精華。也許我的執念也影響到了你? 繼續收集吧!看到你如今的成就,我覺得等待也是有價值的。 等你收集了 2400 精華之後再回到我這兒吧。雖然我沒有禮物可以給你了……但只有這樣。你才能證明自己是我們部落所等待的那個人。

The Dream Nail has fully awoken, yet still you collect Essence. Perhaps I';ve instilled an obsession in you? Keep at it, then! I';m happy to wait and watch your progress. Once you have collected 2400 Essence, return to me. I';ve no more gifts to give... but you';d prove yourself the Wielder my tribe awaited.

啊啊……我很抱歉…… 光芒……輻光…… 我……記得你。

Aahh... I';m sorry... Light... Radiance... I... remember you.

這麼多的精華……如此明亮……毫無疑問,你就是我們部落期盼已久的揮舞者。 我們部落的民眾都是從一道光中誕生的。那光很像是精華,也像那把強大的刃劍,但比它們都明亮得多。 有那麼一段時期,民眾無比崇敬那光輝並從沐浴其中感到無上的喜悅。 但另一道光出現在了這個世界上……化為王之形的沃姆。 我的祖先,無情的拋棄了孕育他們的光芒。他們不僅將其背叛……甚至將其遺忘。

So much Essence... So bright.... You truly are the Wielder my tribe so long has dreamed of. The folk of my tribe were born from a light. Light similar to Essence, similar to that powerful blade, though much brighter still. They were content to bask in that light and honoured it... for a time. But another light appeared in our world... A wyrm that took the form of a king. How fickle my ancestors must have been. They forsook the light that spawned them. Turned their backs to it... Forgot it even.

這個王國就是在那次背叛之中誕生的。但有關於那古老光輝的記憶卻依舊留存了下來,傳播著信仰的細語……直到所有聖巢的蟲子都開始夢到那被遺忘的光芒。 啊,過去的就讓它過去吧。我也應當如此。我已經保留著部落的記憶活了太久太久。就是為了等到你的出現,是時候了,我們也應當被遺忘了。 不要懷念我們,揮舞者,不要敬重我們,我們不配……

And so this kingdom was born from that betrayal. But the memories of that ancient light still lingered, hush whispers of faith... Until all of Hallownest began to dream of that forgotten light. Ah, but what';s done is done. And so am I. The Wielder has at last appeared and I';ve held the memories of my tribe for long enough. It is time for us to be forgotten too. Don';t remember us, Wielder. Don';t honour us. We do not deserve it...


Ahhhh, you';ve returned. Welcome back to the waking world.


Ahhhh, you';ve found your way back to me. When you awoke you just up and left. I thought perhaps I';d frightened you.

是的。時機已到。揮舞者,現在是你和夢之釘覺醒的時刻了。 你收集的精華……那依舊遺存在古老王國中的希望。是純粹的潛力!你要引導它們,將它們注入到夢之釘中。 將它舉起,揮舞者!覺醒吧! 

Yes. The time has come. The Dream Nail... And you as well, Wielder. It is time for you both to awaken. The Essence you have collected...The hope that still remains in this old Kingdom. Pure potential! Let it course through you and into the Dream Nail. Hold it aloft, Wielder! Awaken!

啊哈,啊哈,是的…… 現在所有的夢境在你面前都無處可藏了。你可以窺視那些最黑暗的地方……只要找到正確的縫隙。 揮舞者,你會用這樣偉大的力量做什麼?你會去探求誰的記憶? 啊,如你的期望一般,我踐行了諾言。願我部落的罪行能夠儘快消散,就像這個王國剩餘的部分一樣……

Ahhhh, ah ha, yes... No dream can hide itself from you now. You can peer into the darkest places... You just need to find the right crack. What will you do with such a power, Wielder? Whose memories will you hunt down? Hah. Do as you wish, my promise is fulfilled. May the crimes of my tribe be washed away in time, like the rest of this Kingdom';s...

雖然你可能會隕落,但你的意志會指引你前行。 夢境是無止境的,而王國不是。 你只要伸出手就能得到……這份能夠將沉睡的世界喚醒的力量。

Though you may fall, your will shall carry you forward. A dream is endless, but a Kingdom is not. The power to wake this world from its slumber... you only need to reach out and take it.

那些守夢者……他們使用了僅存的一點力量到達外界,把你拖進了這個屬於他們的隱藏國度。 但現在你有夢之釘,這是件不可思議的寶物……它可以切開分隔夢境與現實的屏障。即使是守夢者,在這件武器面前也無處遁形。 雖然我必須承認,隨著時間推移,這把神聖的刀刃已經變鈍了。但也許我們可以讓它重新擁有力量。你只需要給我精華。 精華……是構成夢境的珍貴光之碎片。不管你在哪裡找到它,把它們收集起來帶給我。如果我們有足夠的精華,就可以一起創造奇蹟。 揮舞者,出去探索世界吧。尋找殘留的精華。 收集到 100 精華後再回到我這兒。我會教你更多東西……

Those figures, those Dreamers... they reached out with what little power they still have and dragged you into that hidden place. But that talisman you now wield, the Dream Nail... it can cut through the veil that separates the waking world from our dreams. Even the Dreamers themselves can not hide from such a weapon. Though I must admit, that sacred blade has dulled over time. Together perhaps, we can restore its power. You only have to bring me Essence. Essence... the precious fragments of light that dreams are made of. Collect it wherever you find it, and bring it to me. Once we have enough, we can work wonders together. Go out into the world, Wielder. Hunt down the Essence that lingers there! Collect 100 Essence and return to me. I will teach you more...


Ah, Wielder, you';ve returned. Let me have a look at the Dream Nail...

嗯,你這麼快就收集到 100 精華了!是不是感覺好像你天生就會做這個? 難怪守夢者想把你埋葬在那古舊的夢境中。也許你的存在讓他們感到畏懼?又或許身為囚徒的他們希望與你合作? 無論如何,你都還有很長的路要走。這個舊飾品就當我給你的鼓勵了,當你收集到 200 精華時再到我這裡。

Hmm, already you';ve collected 100 Essence. Quick work! Things come naturally to you, don';t they? No wonder the Dreamers tried to bury you in that old dream. Perhaps you frighten them? Or perhaps, being prisoners themselves, they desired your company? In any case, you still have a long way to go. Take this old trinket as encouragement from me, and return when you have collected 200 Essence.

啊。你的夢之釘已經擁有超過 200 精華了。你能收集這麼多,說明你是有天賦的。 你看到外面那個巨大的門了嗎?很久以前我的部落就將其關閉,並禁止打開它。 啊,但據我所知,我是我們部落唯一一個還活著的了。所以我不必為打破部落的規矩感到自責。為了證明我對你的信任,我會打開那扇門。

Ahhh... Your Dream Nail holds over 200 Essence. You';re proving your talent in its collection. Have you seen that great door just outside? My tribe closed it long ago and forbade its opening. Ah, but as far as I can tell I';m the only member of my tribe still breathing. That means I needn';t feel bad about breaking a taboo. As proof of my belief in you, I';ll open the door.

所以你已經收集到 300 精華了……是的,我看到這個古老王國的夢境開始依附於你。 你確實給我枯燥的工作添加了一些樂趣。在這個地方當守護者可沒什麼意思。 我不應該抱怨的。照料這些墓碑,引導揮舞者……這都是為了懺悔昔日的罪行。某些事情必須保持平衡。 為了獎勵你的努力,拿走這個小飾品吧,等你收集到 500 精華後再回來,繼續不懈努力!

So you';ve collected 300 Essence... Yes, I can see the dreams of this old Kingdom are starting to cling to you. Very encouraging. You';ve certainly made my dreary work here more exciting. Being the caretaker of this place hasn';t been very stimulating. I shouldn';t complain though. Tending these graves and guiding the Wielder... all penitence for old crimes. Certain things have to be kept in balance. Take this trinket for your efforts, and return with 500 Essence. Keep up your tireless work!

啊~ 已經收集到 500 精華了。在收集精華這件事上你真是個行家。做得好!做得好!我有一個小獎勵要給你。 這是從我最珍貴的回憶中挑選出來的,這個護符會讓你與夢之釘更加契合。你很快就能知道王國所有的秘密了! 拿走它吧,收集到 700 精華再回來。我還有很多禮物要給你……

Ahhhhh. 500 Essence. You';re a master in the making. Well done! Well done! I';ve a small reward for you. Plucked from one of my most precious memories, this Charm will bring you and the Dream Nail closer together still. The secrets of this kingdom won';t be able to hide from you any longer! Take it, and return once you have collected 700 Essence. More gifts await you...

所以你已經收集到 700 精華了。我不知道那些守夢者是否在你收集的時候觀察著你,甚至舊王都可能注意到了你。 他們的那個封印,儘管不會有什麼希望,但卻很高明。不知道他們覺得封印能持續多久? 我並不是輕視他們。只是光陰荏苒,往事一再重複,我對這些已經麻木了。 帶走這份禮物,繼續收集精華。當你收集到 900 精華後再來拜訪我。

So, you already have 700 Essence. I wonder whether the Dreamers are watching you as you work. Or even that old King. That lock of theirs. Desperate, but very clever. I wonder how long they thought it could hold? I hold no disdain for them though. As history goes on I grow numb to its repetitions. Take your gift and continue collecting Essence. Once you have 900, come back and visit me.

夢之釘內蘊含著 900 精華了!這個古老的王國竟然隱藏了這麼多夢境,你有沒有感到驚訝? 是的,你已經開始發現了,那些曾經去過的夢境與我們之間,僅僅隔著一層窗戶紙。是時候學習如何打通去往那些地方的道路了! 揮舞者,握緊你的夢之釘,想象有一扇大門在你的面前開啟!

The Dream Nail now holds 900 Essence within its core! Are you surprised that this old kingdom has so many hidden dreams? Yes, you';re starting to see them. The connections between us and the dreams we leave behind, like prints in the dust. The time has come for you to learn how to revisit the places connected to you! Hold the Dream Nail tight, wielder, and imagine a great gate opening before you!

夢之釘散發著光輝……它蘊含著超過 1200 精華。看著它,我能感受到那麼多的記憶也在凝視著我。那麼多祈求被銘記的往事。 沒有蟲子可以永遠活著,所以我們希望讓活著的人記住我們。 將事物留存於心上,它就隨你繼續活著。但如果忘記了它,它就被永久封存。那才是真正的死亡。 哈,他們是那麼講的,說的夠多了。拿走這個紀念品,收集到 1500 精華之後再回到我這兒,去吧!

The Dream Nail glows bright... It holds over 1200 Essence. Looking into it I can see so many memories peering back at me. So many asking to be remembered. None of us can live forever, and so we ask those who survive to remember us. Hold something in your mind and it lives on with you, but forget it and you seal it away forever. That is the only death that matters. Huh, so they say! Enough of that though. Take this relic and come back to me with 1500 Essence. Go!

是的,我想是這樣。你已經收集了超過 1500 精華了。夢之釘已經……快要完全覺醒了! 繼續你的旅程吧,揮舞者。我不知道是什麼指引著你,也不知道你前進的動力是什麼。收集了 1800 精華之後再回來吧,我會在這等著的。 帶走這個禮物吧,它擁有幫助你收集精華的力量!

Yes, I thought so. More than 1500 Essence. The Dream Nail is close... so close to fully awakening! Continue on your path, Wielder. I know not what guides you, nor what will it is that drives you forward. Once you have collected 1800 Essence though, I will be here waiting. Take this gift, may it grant you strength and help you to collect the Essence of this world!


你在做什麼,探查我它那老到佈滿灰塵的內心?相信我,裡面沒有藏著什麼有價值的東西。 但如果你繼續用夢之釘窺探周圍的世界……隱藏起來的事物將無處遁形。

What are you doing, poking about in a dusty old mind like mine? Nothing of worth is hidden inside, believe me. But keep probing the world around you with your Dream Nail... Hidden things will reveal themselves.

他們帶給你的命運是多麼殘酷。 將你拋在了肉體與靈魂的間隙之中。 你會接受他們的裁決,逐漸枯朽殆盡嗎? 又或者你會舉起手中的武器,從這個被遺忘的悲傷夢境中開闢出你的道路?

What a terrible fate they';ve visited upon you. To cast you away into this space between body and soul. Will you accept their judgement and fade slowly away? Or will you take the weapon before you, and cut your way out of this sad, forgotten dream?

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20-第1張

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20-第2張

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20-第3張

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 先知 全對話 人物解析20-第4張


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