譯介丨Rami Ismail:冥想遊戲是什麼? (2019)

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-04-13 10:10:20 作者:葉梓濤 Language

落日間鏈接:Rami Ismail 冥想遊戲是什麼? What are the Meditations Games (2019)


這個計劃關於一個叫做 Meditations,我譯作《冥想集》的遊戲合集。合集非常特別,由三百多個遊戲組成,它為一年中的每一天,都提供了一個獨特而輕鬆的遊戲。
你可以在我的B站賬號(@葉葉葉葉梓濤_落日間)找到這個合集(《每 日 冥 想 遊 戲》),並且持續關注,也希望我能持續更新下去。
如果你希望同步體驗,那麼你可以在官網為你的 PC 或 Mac 免費下載啟動器

Rami Ismail

項目的發起和組織者則是獨立遊戲開發者 Rami Ismail,他是工作室Vlambeer的聯合創始人,發佈的遊戲諸如《Ridiculous Fishing》《Lufrausers》以及《Nuclear Throne》,在我看來以遊戲皆以強烈的 Juicyness 感著稱。
*以下的翻譯內容來自 meditation games 官網對項目的介紹
*翻譯發佈經 Rami Ismail 授權


如果每天都有一封來自過去的短訊,並附帶一個小遊戲或小玩具可以體驗的話,會怎樣?《冥想集》(Meditations) 是一個啟動器,每天都會加載一個小遊戲,以及一段作為冥想,消遣,訓誡或靈感的文字。


整個《冥想集》的遊戲由三百多個遊戲組成,每個遊戲都由不同的團隊或個人開發,他們有著不同的背景,其中有些匿名,有些則是些熟悉的名字:如紐約大學的開發者 Jenny Jiao Hsia,《史丹利的寓言》和《新手指南》的開發者 Davey Wreden ,ustwo 和《紀念碑谷》的開發者 Ken Wong,《Paper, please》以及《奧伯拉丁的迴歸》的開發者Lucas Pope,《FEZ》的程序員 Renaud Bédard 等等


2017年底的一個早晨,我偶然發現了一個叫 TEMPRES 的小遊戲。這是一個極簡主義解謎遊戲,理解它可能不會超過我的五分鐘時間。退出遊戲時,我為開發者 tak 的聰明設計,以及我一大早完成這個短遊戲的感受而印象深刻。
以 TEMPRES 作為指引,遊戲要求必須簡短——不超過五分鐘,且無文字。而這也符合我的個人信念,即在某些方面,遊戲自身有一種全球性的語言。每個冥想作品前都會有一個簡短的描述,但遊戲本身是無文字的。
啟動器將允許你下載和訪問這些冥想遊戲,每一個只會在它們創造時選擇那天出現。第一個是1月1日的 TEMPRES ——這個遊戲啟發了這個項目。注意,因為啟動器緩衝了一個月的遊戲量,每個月的初始啟動都需要一段時間。
如果你某天很享受這個遊戲,請通過 Credits 或標籤 #meditationgames 讓開發者知道。

Meditations Games



April 3 is the day after my wife and l got married. Sometimes it feels like a million years ago,and it's nice to remember those moon-eyed,blissed-out, just-married days, too.
0403 世界真大 by Sam Potasznik


Find your friends in your increasingly unrecognizable hometown, and take The Bus to come back next year. CONTROLS-Arrow Keys to Move (tap to run, hold to walk)
Being born and raised in Hawai'i, I try to make time to visit home every spring. With each passing year, I have seen Hawai'i change rapidly to keep up with demands for tourism and high-end housing. As more and more people move there in hopes of finding paradise, it has only pushed out the people and cultures that actually made it special. Now, when l go back, I try to remember what's gone and appreciate what's left.
0404 每年都回家看看吧 by Picogram


My mother was a teacher.
She had a talent for getting her driving license revoked, so for months at a time, I had to drive her.
0405 送媽媽上班的日子 by Daniele Giardini


April 6th, 2018.
I got the call my friend Jacob had killed himself. He was 26.
I met him in 3rd grade. He was the funniest person I've ever known. He invented the concept of "comedic integrity", which is something like the opposite of regular integrity. It means to commit to a joke at all costs. Even if no one else thinks it's funny. Especially if no one else thinks it's funny. I was at a bar in Boston,800 miles from home, with the sound of a party in the background.
So many people that didn't know Jacob, would never get to know him. It was my loss and theirs. I pitied everyone on Earth that would never even know Jacob had lived.
He hated himself as much as anyone else loved him.
I wanted to go back into that bar and tell everyone to stop having fun. There was no way they could enjoy themselves now that Jacob was dead. Instead, I took a taxi back to where l was crashing and cried on the couch.
"Catch you guys on the flippy floppy. Have fun." -Jacob's last recorded words
0406 來世再見 by Flyover Games


Sometimes it feels like the world is pushing you around and you're just along for the ride. Forward... backward...moving on...returning to the same place again...Even when it feels like you lack all control, love can still find you. If that happens, will you be ready for it?
0407 愛如潮水是我把你推 by Francois van Niekerk


On April 9th, 2013, my girlfriend and I visited Nara, Japan at the end of the cherry tree flowering season. We mostly came for the deer, but the lasting image in my mind is one of the petals filling the sky as the trees get swept by the wind...
0408 櫻花飄落的速度 by Renaud Bédard


Every day can be your day, is it today?
What does that mean?
Try not to overthink this, just know that your day, and whatever that means, will come and go, and yes, there’s more than one day to be yours. Weird right? I don’t make the rules, nobody does, I have a suspicion that in the end there are no rules at all, but that sounds like a rule, so remember, don’t overthink.
0409 一期一會 by Wellington Fattori


April 10th was a day of trauma. The repercussions are still something I'm dealing with today.
This is the game I wish I had in the moments I felt its echoes. I've created it as a reminder to listen to myself. That it's important to periodically tend to that metaphorical plant that grows inside of me. I hope it helps you too.
Let the flower grow alongside you as you go about your day. It takes about six hours to fully grow. Every once in a while it will get scared and want to be cared for by you. Give it a tap to remind it you're there.
A sincere thank you to Tim Phillips and Caspian Whistler for tending to me when I couldn't tend to myself.
衷心感謝 Tim Phillips 和 Caspian Whistler 在我無法照顧自己時對我的照顧。
0410 六小時只為等這朵花 by Rosa Carbó-Mascarell


Nora was born at 25 weeks of pregnancy. If she had been an Internet download, she would have been at 62.5% when she got delivered. Nora barely weighed 780g(1.72 lbs) slightly less than a package of rice. This game tries to capture the rare joy of the few first weeks having tiny Nora sleeping on your chest, making all sorts of noises.
Preparation: Grab from home a package of rice (or similar) weighing approximately 1Kg.Put headphones on. Recline on your chair. Hug the rice package on your chest. Grab the mouse and click when ready. You cannot lose.
0411 不是米更好 by Ale Cámara
日 | 落譯介計劃  是媒體實驗室落日間對一些有助於思考遊戲/電子遊戲的外文文本翻譯和推薦/索引計劃。(點擊原文或查看網站

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