Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-04-12 21:09:29 作者:sivuliike Language

Sorry again for the English post! Also, this will have a lot of text, because I will talk about a custom character I created for this game, and I have made a lot of drawings of her too, so I will share them here!

I have had this character for a long time, ever since I discovered Otaku's Adventure in early January this year, and I have been working on her since then. I am still working on her and improving things, mainly her information and her roles (she is only a background character in the normal story except for (´・ω・`) story. I will explain more later!)

The character has initially been without a name until last week. Now I think of calling her Krela. She will not fit in Kio's Adventure, she has no place there or any reason to exist in the world of Kio. But I can see her being in the real world, in Otaku's Adventure. She looks like a boy, but she is not a boy. She is a lonely person who is a programmer and she plays a lot of video game; Her favorite video game is actually Kio's Adventure in that world (since it exists there). She has a large obsession with The Final Boss from the game for some reason and she wishes he was real, so she buys a lot of products and merchandise of him. I can predict she can fit at Gohard route, when you go to the anime convention/show. 
Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇 - 第1張Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇 - 第2張The main character can see her with all merchandise during the story of looking for Hans' suitcase, and he will find it weird. You can interact with her and talk, but you cannot date her in the game; she is too busy to be obsessed with a fictional character and pretend she is dating him. When main character says it is weird to be obsessed like this, she says she knows everything about this character, and even learned all attack patterns from the Boss fight in Kio's Adventure. The main character doubts this and asks her to prove it, to which she says in order every pattern as it appears. Main character is impressed, but also very concerned about this. You can choose either to say that this is cool and she is dedicated making the story for the suitcase search continue, or you can choose a rude option to say to her that she needs help because this is not ok, and she will attack you and overpower you, giving a bad ending, like this (Called 'Crazy Fangirl'):
Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇 - 第3張-----------------------------------------------------------------
Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇 - 第4張The image above.... It seems someone familiar, right?
In the different world with (´・ω・`), she would be a strange low-elf girl you can recruit in your team. However, here her name is going to be unknown. She is not Krela here, just Elf (however, it is still the same person). There are no specific requirements like paying her gold coins or getting an item for her. All you need to do is promise her you will help her find someone she is looking for in this world. You can say yes or no, it depends on you, since every time in the game you're about to recruit someone it asks if you really want to (even though you can fire them out of your team later if they are too weak for your quest). Elf will have strangely very strong stats for her appearance because she looks very skinny and weak, but she will seem way too useful with all the stats since they are infinite, however that's a trap, it'll make you believe "Wow!! She's so strong! I can beat the game fast using her, it's very easy now!!!".. But it's a lie, because she's a person from the real world, just like you. Remember when I said she is a programmer? She also issues hacks and helps herself during some games because she is impatient and is not fair in most games (Which is a bad thing!! Do not cheat!). She came to this world only for one purpose; To find Final Boss. So she hacked her stats before entering the game world using a tinfoil hat connected with the computer cable she uses (without the help of Michael to transport her to this world, as she did it by herself) and she's cheating, so she can get to the Boss faster with a powerful mini-shotgun and invincible stats and HP. This is also why it's a trap, you think you can use Elf to grind for more gold and XP with instant kill damages, and you can exploit the game by removing her from your team after you get the money you need. Easy, right? Free money!....... But no, you can't. It's impossible to remove her from the team and cheat the game, because putting her in your team is a permanent choice unlike those other people like Super Newbie, Physicscist and Chemist which you can fire/kick out of your team, so you can't get rid of her because of that promise you made when you recruited her. It's really a trap, because a promise is a promise. So if you recruit her, you must reload a save state before you have her in your team, because you can't get her out of it otherwise and you will be stuck with her. A big price to pay for greed if you want to easily receive more gold coins. And it's a very bad idea if you take her with you to fight Final Boss. Because she will betray you and say this is the only reason she is here. To be with him, because he is real only in this world. She will interrupt the battle, and you will get another bad ending, like this (Called 'I love you, Final Boss!'):
Otaku's Adventure Custom Character (Long Post)|少年的人間奇遇 - 第5張
I love characters like this who can manipulate the 4th wall and they are self-aware they are in a game, or go to a different world but remain who they are in the real world. So this is why (´・ω・`) story was most interesting to me, and why I made my custom character appear in this story too! 
If anyone has suggestions on how I can make her better, or any feedback, don't be afraid to comment!! Even if your comment is not in English, I will try to use a translation machine to understand. Thank you for your attention and sorry for the long post!I know this may not be to everyone's taste to create fan characters, but if you hate it or have anything against it please keep it to yourself!! Critiques are accepted. I hope people like my character! 🙏

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