I've come to deliver some more drawings I've made this month and the previous month! The characters are surprisingly fun to draw and I'm sorry if I'm posting too many things like this at once if it's considered spam, if it bothers anyone I will stop, but to those who enjoy, thank you!!
Also, majority of these was drawn in Microsoft Paint (for Windows 7) and they usually take a short time, but more detailed ones can take quite a while depending on the detail
I draw Chemist a lot because he's one of my big favorites from the game, so I wanted to make a more detailed drawing of him. This was around on around 4th of February and it was pretty nice to draw. I really like to draw his hair because it looks fluffy and it's fun to draw in different ways
Almost every battle I win since I recruit Chemist is somehow thanks to him using the Bomb-Man move and I use it almost every time it's Chemist's turn because it does more damage than main character and witch's attacks, and it only costs 10MP to use so... It's a steal 😂
I wanted to make something funny here
Ah, yes. Wealth is Weak. Capable of even killing Final Boss in 1 hit if you have enough coins. Very overpowered move, but in a good way. Who knew a few gold coins can be used in such a powerful way?? Amazing, really.. Chemist is so cool
The best thing about drawing identical twins like Bai and Hei is that you can just copy and paste them and change their faces before coloring them 🤣🤣.. I didn't color this due to laziness, but it was so fun to draw. I don't know what they are doing, it looks like a strange dance, but it's alright. I need to draw them more
This was the first Otaku's Adventure drawing I ever made, on around 2nd of January when I discovered the game. I saw Ghost on the menu screen for load game and it was love at first sight with his design because it looked so good and I really wanted to draw him. This is my old style, which had distinct strange head shapes and square shaped eyes, so it looks a bit ugly compared to other art in this post, but later on I try to draw closer to the game's art style
Another drawing of Ghost, made really fast today during digital art studies at school. I used the Crayon brush, which I'm not very used to, but I think he turned out good!! It looks a lot better than the first drawing of him I made
A bit different than everything else in the post, but when my boyfriend bought the game for me, I knew there is a feature in-game for drawing and I thought that is really sweet and I liked it a lot. I have only used it 3 times and it surprisingly works really really well with my drawing tablet, so I drew this the first time I used it as a test. This was before Krela even had a name or much information about her. She was just made freshly if I can remember correctly
And finally, some more serious drawings I made of Final Boss. I have a large obvious bias towards him, so I made 6 separate drawings and united them in 1 canvas. This is one of my detailed drawings with shading like from my post about my custom character, Krela. This was not made in MS Paint or the game like all other drawings in this post, it was made with Ibis PaintX which is a mobile phone drawing program. I drew all of these with my finger, and I am very proud of the results! I drew 3 with Final Boss' normal form (Phase 1), and 3 with the black one (Phase 2). I used the color palette for the first 3 from how he appears in Otaku's Adventure, since the orange jacket is not so brightly colored than in Kio's Adventure and I prefer it more. However for the Phase 2 drawings, I used the color palette from Kio's Adventure because I liked that his jacket changes color there too. And he looked more blue-ish black than gray black, so I preferred to color him like that. I also imagine that Phase 2 is more serious and gets angry easily, but Phase 1 is playful and likes to tease people (as seen by how he talks and acts in Kio's Adventure). Which is why I included Krela's arms here, to give him love; and Phase 1 seems to enjoy the attention while not really caring much, but Phase 2 is mad and doesn't want to be touched