
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-12-21 11:39:33 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language





在接受外媒采访时,游戏总监Stig Asmussen确认:“我们在游戏中有五个设计完备的光剑形态,使用哪种在很大程度上取决于你遇到的敌人,使用特定的形态对抗特定的敌人是有优势的,这取决于玩家自己的想法。紧急的形势要求玩家迅速击溃敌人,找出最佳武器。”




另一种形态需要凯洛·伦风格的十字光剑,将提供重攻击为主的打击方式。Stig Asmussen说:“这是一种更自信的招式,相当有力和踏实,但你必须非常谨慎地使用这种形态,因为挥舞速度会更加缓慢,这似乎谈到了关于武器的风险与奖励机制,我们之后会进行讨论。”


《星球大战绝地:幸存者》将于2023年3月17日在PS5、Xbox Series X/S和PC上推出。

Edition Game Informer talked to the game director Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Stig Asmussen. And he told new details about the future action movie, in particular, about innovations in the combat system. One of the most notable additions will be the new combat stances for Cal Kestis. The developers have prepared five options that we have to choose for certain enemies and situations. And since our hero is an “unconventional” Jedi, he uses non-standard approaches that would have been condemned in the heyday of the Order. New stances include a variant with two lightsabers that Kestis will spin at high speed. In a separate stance, in addition to the sword, he will take a blaster into battle, this will allow him to fight at a distance. In the new “heavy” stance, Kestis uses a three-bladed lightsaber similar to Kylo Ren’s. With it, the hero will be able to deliver powerful crushing blows, but his movements will be slower. A number of new mechanics are being prepared for Jedi Survivor, giving more flexibility in exploration. The hero will be able to use a cable to climb up hills and to remote points, as well as tame mounts. Star Wars: Jedi Survivor releases March 17, 2023 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC. More on Aroged

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