调整较低等级升级的费用,并提高中路线的攻击速度,以便在 “超级猴粉丝俱乐部” 变形内外,这些升级都能更具价值。
200 “利刃飞镖” 价格从 220 美元降至 200 美元。
300“尖刺投掷器” 价格从 300 美元升至 320 美元。
030“三连射” 价格从 400 美元升至 450 美元。
030“三连射” 同时将攻击冷却时间缩短 25%。
040“超级猴粉丝俱乐部” 价格从 7500 美元降至 7200 美元。
040“超级猴粉丝俱乐部” 将攻击冷却时间进一步缩短,从 25% 提升至 50%。
003“弩箭” 价格从 625 美元降至 575 美元。
004 “神射手” 价格从 2000 美元升至 2050 美元。
虽然较高等级的升级效果良好,但 “仿生回旋镖” 在这个价格区间的表现往往不如预期。030“仿生回旋镖” 价格从 1450 美元降至 1250 美元。
下调 “气球冲击” 的价格,使其更符合其他早期辅助选项的定位,毕竟这是一条辅助路线。大幅提升碎片伤害,因为用眩晕时间换取伤害提升几乎没有理由。将部分成本上调至 “MOAB 刺客”,以便 “MOAB 猛击者” 在游戏前期有更多操作空间,并且在大规模使用时更合理。削减底部路线所有升级费用约 10%,因为即使在近期增强后,“炸弹突袭” 这条路线在有效使用时仍存在诸多缺点。
400“气球冲击” 价格从 3200 美元降至 2800 美元。
202“碎片炸弹” 伤害从 1 提升至 2。
302“超大炸弹” 碎片伤害从 3 提升至 6。
502“气球粉碎” 碎片伤害从 24 提升至 36。
030“MOAB 猛击者” 价格从 1100 美元降至 1000 美元。
040 “MOAB 刺客” 价格从 3350 美元升至 3450 美元。
003 “集束炸弹” 价格从 800 美元降至 700 美元。
004“递归集束炸弹” 价格从 2800 美元降至 2500 美元。
005“炸弹突袭” 价格从 25500 美元降至 23000 美元。
期待已久的调整 ——“绝对零度” 终于能够在其半径范围内减速 MOAB 级气球,此外,虽然它在半径内没有气球时无法主动攻击,但它的主要攻击能在短时间内冻结整个屏幕上的非 MOAB 级气球!对底部路线的冰猴进行微调,使其与价格相近的辅助选项保持一致,而且 “冰锥” 的通用性感觉不够,这限制了选择这条路线的可能性,因此它将获得 5 级升级带来的攻击速度提升。
050“绝对零度” 的风减速光环能使半径内的 MOAB 减速 20%。
050“绝对零度” 的攻击获得第二个半径范围,可在地图上任何位置冻结一层非 MOAB 级气球 0.75 秒。
003“低温加农炮” 价格从 1950 美元降至 1750 美元。
004“冰锥” 攻击冷却时间从 1 秒降至 0.75 秒。
005“冰锥穿刺” 保持不变。
与其他辅助选项相比,提升 “气球溶解器” 对陶瓷气球的伤害,并对价格进行小幅调整,使 “胶水软管” 在通往 “胶水打击” 的升级过程中更具性价比。
300“气球溶解器” 对陶瓷气球的额外伤害从 1 提升至 2。
400“气球液化器” 保持不变。
030“胶水软管” 价格从 2100 美元降至 1950 美元。
040“胶水打击” 价格从 3850 美元升至 4000 美元。
降低 “能量充能器” 的价格,以减少相关搭配组合的成本。“穿甲飞镖” 潜艇通常是一个艰难的选择,因为尽管它们的单体目标伤害大幅提升,但就成本而言,穿透能力不足,所以 4 级价格下调,5 级获得额外的空中爆炸效果,使其作为处理更高穿透需求的升级选项更具吸引力。
500 “能量充能器” 价格从 31000 美元降至 28000 美元。
004“穿甲飞镖” 价格从 3000 美元降至 2500 美元。
005“潜艇指挥官” 的空中爆炸次数从 3 次增加到 5 次。
目前我们对 “海盗王” 的表现感到满意,但 “海盗猴群” 受到改动的影响较大,因此降低其成本,以鼓励多选择中路升级。
040“海盗猴群” 价格从 4900 美元降至 3900 美元。
050“海盗王” 价格从 26000 美元升至 27000 美元。
升级基本的 “轰炸飞行” 从来不是选择这条路线的原因,所以我们全面提升这方面的能力,同时缩短 “归零之地” 的冷却时间,使其与 5 级升级相匹配。
040“归零之地” 技能冷却时间从 45 秒降至 35 秒。
040“归零之地” 轰炸飞行伤害从 10 提升至 15。
050“沙皇炸弹” 轰炸飞行伤害从 15 提升至 30。
提高 “阿帕奇飞镖船” 的移动速度,使其与 “阿帕奇 Prime” 相匹配,以便在一些更困难的情况下,特别是在分散路径地图上,能更巧妙地发挥作用。
400“阿帕奇飞镖船” 最大移动速度从 50 提升至 60。
500“阿帕奇 Prime” 保持不变。
对较少使用的持续伤害交叉路径进行改进,并提升 4 级的伤害,因为它在本职工作上表现有效,但在撕裂金属带之外的通用性不足。
400“大炸弹” 伤害从 8 提升至 10。
400“大炸弹” 持续伤害从 7 提升至 12。
500“最大炸弹” 持续伤害从 60 提升至 65。
032“重型炮弹” 持续伤害从 3 提升至 4。
042“火炮炮台” 持续伤害从 4 提升至 6。
004“粉碎炮弹” 对 MOAB 的燃烧伤害从 10 提升至 20。
调整表现不佳的 3 级升级价格,并进一步提高在 MOAB 摧毁方面表现出色的 “M.A.D.(疯狂机关枪)” 的价格。
030“九头蛇火箭舱” 价格从 4800 美元降至 4500 美元。
040“火箭风暴” 价格从 5550 美元升至 5850 美元。
050“M.A.D.(疯狂机关枪)” 价格从 60000 美元升至 65000 美元。
“大魔法师” 似乎仍倾向于 502的交叉路径,所以进一步增强其火焰攻击。“召唤凤凰” 在处理单体目标时很早就开始显得乏力,所以再次降低其成本,以便在面对太多更强的目标之前,能有更多机会选择它。“微光” 作为反隐身选项,由于效果不稳定而表现不佳,因此提高其攻击速度。
520“大魔法师” 火球对 MOAB 级气球的额外伤害从 27 提升至 36。
520“大魔法师” 火焰之墙对 MOAB 级气球的额外伤害从 4 提升至 8。
500“大魔法师” 龙息对 MOAB 级气球的额外伤害从 6 提升至 10。
040“召唤凤凰” 价格从 7000 美元降至 6000 美元。
050“巫师领主凤凰” 龙息攻击持续伤害从 10 提升至 30。
050“巫师领主凤凰” 龙息持续伤害持续时间从 3 秒增加到 15 秒。
003“微光” 反隐身脉冲攻击冷却时间从 2.5 秒降至 2 秒。
“爆破大师” 的建造成本较高,且引信时间限制了其单体目标伤害能力,所以大幅提高其粘性炸弹攻击的速度。005“爆破大师” 粘性炸弹攻击冷却时间从 4.5 秒降至 2.25 秒。
中路炼金术士的使用场景复杂,付出与回报不成正比,因此降低价格。“橡胶变黄金” 的减益效果不再只是一个小众的收入来源,现在它被重新设计为在一段时间后失效,但在这段时间内,它将消除气球的特性。这会带来一些非常有趣的搭配选择。
030“不稳定药剂” 价格从 3000 美元降至 2800 美元。
040“变形药剂” 价格从 4500 美元降至 4200 美元。
004“橡胶变黄金” 持续时间从无限降至 7 秒。
004 “橡胶变黄金” 减益效果在持续时间内还会禁用铅属性。
004“橡胶变黄金” 减益效果在持续时间内还会禁用黑色属性。
004“橡胶变黄金” 减益效果在持续时间内还会禁用白色属性。
004“橡胶变黄金” 减益效果在持续时间内还会禁用紫色属性。
虽然单个调整幅度不大,但价格降低应该能累积起来,为完整的 “繁盛之林” 配置节省一些开支。004 “繁盛之林” 价格从 2500 美元降至 2350 美元。
中路直到 5 级的穿透能力都不足,所以现在将整条路线的穿透能力提升至与 5 级匹配。“共鸣旋律” 很强大,但 “迷人旋律” 作为仅针对气球的拖延手段,效果不稳定,所以这里的穿透能力也提升至与 4 级匹配。
030“激流冠军” 穿透从 12 提升至 18。
040“极地骑士” 穿透从 12 提升至 18。
050“波塞冬之怒” 穿透不变。
003“迷人旋律” 催眠穿透从 3 提升至 4。
经过深思熟虑,我们目前仍不打算对广受欢迎的 “永久尖刺” 升级进行大规模改动,所以我们决定,为了贯彻这一想法,最佳行动方案就是暂不做任何改变。这种不做改变的尝试理论上应能防止在本次更新中对该特定升级进行任何改动,从而使 “永久尖刺” 与当前状态极为相似。至少目前如此。005“永久尖刺” 不变。
大量的哨塔会造成屏幕杂乱,而且当你可以超频工程师本身来建造更多哨塔时,这种情况就显得不必要了。哨塔不再能被 “超频” 技能选中。
作为一项优化游戏体验的改进,驯兽师的移动冷却时间现在已分开设置。“鱼” 和 “恐龙” 升级现在有各自独立的重新定位冷却时间。
利用这个机会加强一些火与水的协同效果。9 级时,燃烧持续时间每级增加 1 秒。
鉴于本杰明和杰拉尔多主导了主要的收入策略,我们希望将另一个英雄选择纳入收入组合。由于奥宾对德鲁伊的增益目前在中路德鲁伊上的应用效果最差,所以我们从提升 “丛林赏金” 的现金生成开始。
5 级时,在 “丛林赏金” 技能作用半径内使用该技能,还能增加 20% 的收入。
鉴于丘吉尔达到高等级难度较大,“弹幕” 技能需要在高等级时有更多收益。
13 级时,“MOAB 弹幕” 伤害从 200 提升至 250。
17 级时,“MOAB 弹幕” 伤害从 200 提升至 500。
20 级时,“MOAB 弹幕” 伤害从 500 提升至 1000。
1 级时,现金生成从 80 提升至 90。
2 级时,现金生成从 120 提升至 140。
罗萨莉亚在高波次表现不够出色,所以增加她手榴弹的直接穿透能力,并且提高 “肾上腺素激增” 的最大叠加层数,以应对更多数量的气球。
2 级时,手榴弹穿透从 8 提升至 10。
13 级时,手榴弹簇穿透从 8 提升至 10。
4 级时,“肾上腺素激增” 最大叠加层数从 20 增加到 25。
11 级时,“肾上腺素激增” 最大叠加层数从 30 增加到 40。
17 级时,“肾上腺素激增” 最大叠加层数从 40 增加到 60。
过热初始眩晕持续时间从 5 秒降至 4 秒。
1 级火球眩晕持续时间从 4 秒降至 2 秒。
2 级火球眩晕持续时间从 4 秒降至 2 秒。
3 级火球眩晕持续时间从 4 秒降至 3 秒。
4 级火球眩晕持续时间从 4 秒降至 3 秒。
5 级火球眩晕持续时间从 4 秒降至 3 秒。
3 级精英岩石气球生命值从 10000 降至 9000。
岩石气球现在根据首领生命值 / 速度修正进行缩放。
通常我们每年的第一次更新规模较小,但 2025 年的 47.0 版本《盗贼传奇》为这一年开了个好头,我们对今年余下的时间也有宏伟计划。我们每年的规划很大程度上取决于团队对哪些内容充满热情,在此有两件事要与大家分享。首先是《传奇》系列本身,团队以全新的方式合作,在艺术风格、设计思路和代码框架等未曾尝试的方向上努力,力求做出我们迄今为止最出色的作品。其次是去年年底的回顾总结,我们兴致勃勃地为各种新猴子(防御塔、英雄、非玩家角色)展开头脑风暴,这让我们想起自己对猴子本身所蕴含的原始游戏机制和个性是多么热爱。我们希望在 2025 年及以后,将这份灵感转化为精彩的更新,为大家带来新的玩法、新的挑战,以及对大家投入游戏时间的丰厚回报。感谢大家一直以来的支持!
我们希望大家喜欢《盗贼传奇》,并认为该 DLC 的价格与数十小时可重复游玩且不断推进的游戏体验相比是物超所值的。推出新的内购项目和 DLC 是我们继续提供其他大型更新而无需玩家额外付费的最佳方式。只有当玩家认为价格合理且游戏体验有价值时,我们才会满意,所以我们会积极回应大家的反馈。
正如去年首次提及《传奇》系列时所讨论的,我们计划每年推出 2 个《传奇》DLC 战役(不包括去年计划推出的《盗贼传奇》
Tower Balance
Rogue Legends took up nearly all of our balance time for this update, however as we know many players look forward to the balance changes each update we’ve included a quick list of simpler changes that shouldn’t be too game breaking. Also get me pictures of spider monkeys!
Dart Monkey
Shuffle on lower tier upgrade costs & increased attack speed across middle path in order to offer these upgrades more value both in and out of Super Monkey Fan Club transformation.
2xx Razor Sharp Shots price reduced from $220 > 200
3xx Spike-o-pult price increased from $300 > 320
x3x Triple Shot price increased from $400 > 450
x3x Triple Shot also reduces attack cooldown 25%
x4x Super Monkey Fan Club price reduced from $7500 > 7200
x4x Super Monkey Fan Club reduces attack cooldown further 25% > 50%
xx3 Crossbow price reduced from $625 > 575
xx4 Sharpshooter price increased from $2000 > 2050
Boomerang Monkey
While the higher tier upgrades work well, Bionic Boomerang is often not as effective as expected for this price range.
x3x Bionic Boomerang price reduced from $1450 > 1250
Bomb Shooter
Nudging Bloon Impact price down, pushing it more in line with other early support options & as this is a support path. Frag damage is being greatly improved all the way up as there’s little reason to trade stun uptime for improved damage. Moving some cost up into MOAB Assassin so Maulers have more leeway early game & en masse. Cutting down roughly 10% on all bottom path upgrade costs as especially on Bomb Blitz even after recent buffs there are many downsides that need to be covered to use this path effectively.
4xx Bloon Impact price reduced from $3200 > 2800
202 Frag Bombs damage increased from 1 > 2
302 Really Big Bombs frag damage increased from 3 > 6
502 Bloon Crush frag damage increased from 24 > 36
x3x MOAB Mauler price reduced from $1100 > 1000
x4x MOAB Assassin price increased from $3350 > 3450
xx3 Cluster Bombs price reduced from $800 > 700
xx4 Recursive Cluster price reduced from $2800 > 2500
xx5 Bomb Blitz price reduced from $25500 > 23,000
Ice Monkey
A long time coming - Absolute Zero will finally be able to slow MOAB-Class Bloons within its radius, and additionally the main attack while it can’t initiate attacks without Bloons in radius will freeze non MOAB-Class Bloons over the entire screen for a short time! Nudging bottom path Ice Monkey to keep up with similarly priced support options, and Icicles especially doesn't feel versatile enough, which limits chances to go down this path so it is gaining the attack rate increase from the T5.
x5x Absolute Zero wind slow aura slows MOABs in radius 20%
x5x Absolute Zero’s attack gains a second radius freezing one layer of non-MOAB Class Bloons anywhere on the map for 0.75s
xx3 Cryo Cannon price reduced from $1950 > 1750
xx4 Icicles attack cooldown reduced from 1s > 0.75
xx5 Icicle Impale unchanged
Glue Gunner
Improved Ceramic Damage scaling up Bloon Dissolver compared to other support options, and a small price shuffling to make Glue Hose more favourable on the journey up to Glue Strike.
3xx Bloon Dissolver bonus damage to Ceramic increased from 1 > 2
4xx Bloon Liquefier unchanged
x3x Glue Hose price reduced from $2100 > 1950
x4x Glue Strike price increased from $3850 > 4000
Monkey Sub
Price reductions for Energizer to reduce the cost of related build synergies. Armour Piercing Darts subs are generally a tough choice as even though their single target damage is greatly improved the pierce is lacking for the cost, so price has been reduced at T4 and T5 has been granted extra airbursts to make it more desirable an upgrade for dealing with higher pierce itself
5xx Energizer price reduced from $31,000 > 28,000
xx4 Armor Piercing Darts price reduced from $3000 > 2500
xx5 Sub Commander number of airbursts increased from 3 > 5
Monkey Buccaneer
We’re currently happy with Pirate Lord, but Monkey Pirates has been hit hard by changes so cost is being pushed out of it to encourage multi mid path building.
x4x Monkey Pirates price reduced from $4900 > 3900
x5x Pirate Lord price increased from $26,000 > 27,000
Monkey Ace
Upgrades to the basic Bombing run are never why you move up this path, so we’re improving these across the board while also reducing the cooldown of Ground Zero to match the T5.
x4x Ground Zero ability cooldown reduced from 45s > 35s
x4x Ground Zero bombing run damage increased from 10 > 15
x5x Tsar Bomba bombing run damage increased from 15 > 30
Heli Pilot
We’re raising move speed for Apache Dartship up to match Prime to improve skillful use in some more difficult situations mainly assisting on spread path maps
4xx Apache Dartship max move speed increased from 50 > 60
5xx Apache Prime unchanged
Mortar Monkey
Improvements made for the underused damage over time crosspaths, and improved damage for the T4 as it’s effective at what it does but not so versatile outside of shredding metal bands.
4xx The Big One damage increased from 8 > 10
402 The Big One damage over time increased from 7 > 12
502 The Biggest One damage over time increased from 60 > 65
032 Heavy Shells damage over time increased from 3 > 4
042 Artillery Battery damage over time increased 4 > 6
xx4 Shattering Shells MOAB Burn damage increased 10 > 20
Dartling Gunner
Pushing around price for the underperforming T3, and pushing up the price further on the MAD that excels in MOAB destruction.
x3x Hydra Rocket Pods price reduced from $4800 > $4500
x4x Rocket Storm price increased from $5550 > $5850
x5x MAD price increased from $60,000 > 65,000
Wizard Monkey
Archmage still seems to prefer the 502 crosspathing, so the fire attacks are being taken even further. Summon phoenix falls off in single target fairly early so we are lowering the cost back again to bring back options to let it fly before it has to deal with so many stronger targets. Shimmer struggles as a de-camo option due to the low consistency, so the attack rate is being improved.
52x Archmage fireball bonus to MOAB-Class increased from 27 > 36
52x Archmage wall of fire bonus to MOAB-Class increased from 4 > 8
5xx Archmage dragon's breath bonus to MOAB-Class increased from 6 > 10
x4x Summon Phoenix price reduced from $7000 > 6000
x5x WLP dragon’s breath attack damage over time increased from 10 > 30
x5x WLP dragon’s breath damage over time duration increased from 3s > 15s
xx3 Shimmer camo pulse attack cooldown reduced from 2.5s > 2s
Ninja Monkey
Master Bomber is janky to build for given the high cost and the fuse time limits how much single target damage it can do as well, so we’ve given a massive rate boost to the sticky attack.
xx5 Master Bomber sticky bomb attack cooldown reduced from 4.5s > 2.25
Middle path alchemists have complicated use cases that don’t bring enough of a payoff for the effort so the price is being reduced. Instead of being only a niche income source, the Rubber to Gold debuff is being reworked to now expire after a duration but for that duration it will nullify Bloon properties. Some seriously interesting build options from this.
x3x Unstable Concoction price reduced from $3000 > 2800
x4x Transforming Tonic price reduced from $4500 > 4200
xx4 Rubber to Gold duration reduced from MAX > 7s
xx4 Rubber to Gold debuff also disables Lead property for duration
xx4 Rubber to Gold debuff also disables Black property for duration
xx4 Rubber to Gold debuff also disables White property for duration
xx4 Rubber to Gold debuff also disables Purple property for duration
Not a huge change on its own, but reduced price should add up and shave off some spending for full Poplust setups.
xx4 Poplust price reduced from $2500 > 2350
Middle path pierce was lacking all through to T5, so pierce is now being matched to T5 across the path. Symphonic Resonance is powerful, but Alluring Melody is inconsistent for a Bloon-only stall, so pierce here is also being matched up to the same as T4.
x3x Riptide Champion pierce increased from 12 > 18
x4x Arctic Knight pierce increased from 12 > 18
x5x Popseidon pierce unchanged
xx3 Alluring Melody trance pierce increased from 3 > 4
Spike Factory
After much deliberation we still don’t particularly feel like making any large overhauls to the popular Permaspike upgrade right now, so we have decided that in order to follow through on this vision the best course of action would be to not do anything. This lack of attempt to make any change should in theory prevent any alterations from occurring to this particular upgrade in this update and thus leaves Permaspike extremely similar as to how it currently is. For now.
xx5 Permaspike unchanged
This was becoming annoying screen clutter with large numbers of sentries, and feels unnecessary when you can overclock the engineer itself to create more sentries instead.
Sentries can no longer be targeted for Overclock
Beast Handler
As a quality of life improvement, Beast Handler movement cooldowns have now been separated
Fish & Dino upgrades now have individual repositioning cooldowns
Hero Balance
Taking the opportunity to invest in some fire & water synergy
Lv9 Burn duration increased +1s per level
Obyn Greenfoot
As Benjamin & Geraldo dominate the main income strategies we want to push up another hero choice into the income mix, as Obyn’s druid benefits are currently applied the least effectively to middle path Druid we’re starting this off by giving a Cash Generation boost for Jungle’s Bounty.
Lv5 also grants increased income to Jungle’s Bounty ability used within radius +20%
Captain Churchill
Given how hard it is to get to high levels with Churchill, the Barrage ability needs much more high level payoff.
Lv13 MOAB Barrage damage increased from 200 > 250
Lv17 MOAB Barrage damage increased from 200 > 500
Lv20 MOAB Barrage damage increased from 500 > 1000
Early income snowballing has shifted favour greatly over to Geraldo, so Ben’s baseline cash generation is being increased more.
Lv1 Cash Generation increased from 80 > 90
Lv2 Cash Generation increased from 120 > 140
Rosalia doesn't fly strongly into high rounds so she is gaining more direct Grenade pierce, and Adrenaline Rush’s maximum is increasing to scale up into larger groups of Bloons.
Lv2 Grenade pierce increased from 8 > 10
Lv13 Grenade Cluster pierce increased from 8 > 10
Lv4 Adrenaline Rush max stacks increased from 20 > 25
Lv11 Adrenaline Rush max stacks increased from 30 > 40
Lv17 Adrenaline Rush max stacks increased from 40 > 60
Especially at lower tiers, Blastapopoulos' stuns are quite unforgiving, so we’ve lowered the baseline stun duration & scaled this up over the tiers instead of starting off so high immediately.
Heat Bar no longer fills immediately on Boss Spawn
Stun durations reduced
Overheating initial stun duration reduced from 5s > 4s
T1 Fireball stun duration reduced from 4s > 2s
T2 Fireball stun duration reduced from 4s > 2s
T3 Fireball stun duration reduced from 4s > 3s
T4 Fireball stun duration reduced from 4s > 3s
T5 Fireball stun duration reduced from 4s > 3s
T3 Elite Rock Bloons health reduced from 10,000 > 9,000
Rock Bloons now scale with boss HP/Speed modifiers
Looking Forward
Usually our first update for the year is a humble offering, but Rogue Legends in 47.0 gets 2025 off to a massive start, and we have big plans for the rest of the year. A huge part of our planning each year leans into what the team is excited to work on, and we have two experiences to share. The first is Legends itself, which saw the team working together in a whole new way, pushing art styles, design thinking, and code framework in untried directions and pushing ourselves to do some of our best work yet. The second was our end-of-year retrospective when we got very excited brainstorming new Monkeys of all kinds (Towers, Heroes, NPCs), which reminded us how much we enjoy the raw game mechanics and personalities that start with the Monkeys themselves. We hope to carry this inspiration throughout 2025 and beyond to create awesome updates that give you new ways to play, new challenges, and rich rewards for the time you share with this game we love making so much. Thank you for your continued support!
We hope everyone loves Rogue Legends and finds the DLC cost more than fair for the dozens of hours of replayable and progressive gameplay. Having new IAPs and DLCs is the best way for us to continue to deliver other big updates that don’t require additional spend. We won’t be satisfied unless players find the prices fair and the game experience rewarding, so we’ll be responsive to feedback.
As discussed when we first mentioned Legends last year, we are planning 2 Legends DLC campaigns per year (not counting Rogue, which was planned for last year). So some teasers…
Desperado Legends - explore the Monkey Wild West within a map that dynamically reacts to your actions and allows other customizations. Go fishing, watch Bloon races, recruit posse members, hunt bounties, and go after the targets on the Most Wanted list. Highly stylized and replayable, planned for mid-year.
Runic Legends - an epic crafting/modding-focused campaign, taking the raw elements of Monkey Knowledge and Artifacts and putting them in player’s hands. Find individual elements and combine them to create Monkeys with specializations far beyond their crosspaths. Get ready for mod-inspired madness with custom rounds to handle the power creep.
Monkey Focus
Many players love the additions we make to Paragons and Bosses and we are planning at least 1 Paragon and 1 Boss for the year, but given the team’s excitement around new Monkeys, we are going to spend more time on new Heroes and new Towers this year, and have plans for 1 of each.
We’re also thinking about Powers, in decidedly Monkeyish and path-based ways. That 0-0-0 Cavemonkey got the wheels turning. No firm plans for Powers Pro this year but a couple of us really want it.
Game Editor
The work on Tower-Game-Mod Editor is progressing well, but the goals are morphing, as we found that adding elements to make a complete mode wasn’t as fun to play with as getting into the scripts that make up each Monkey and playfield element. So we’re taking more time to focus on that, working with a few awesome community modders. This will not land as a .x update to 47 or in 48; please give us a bit more time, and we’ll give more details later about when this will be ready for a first version.
Xbox players, please accept our apologies for the delay in getting the content patch out. We had to revert it when we saw login issues for some players. We are still working to fix this and will update as soon as possible.
The main push for all consoles is to get the console branch on “main” - merged and unified with the entire BTD6 game project. This will get us much closer to content parity, and it will allow controller support to move forward on all platforms, which is good news for Steam Deck as well.
Switch is making great strides and will launch alongside this main branch integration. We are hoping to have this work completed and have Switch submitted by June this year.
Our partnership with Mattel’s Masters of the Universe franchise continues, and we’re excited to introduce She-Ra and Skeletor Hero Skins into the game this year. As licensed content, these will be IAP-only skins as that is the only way we can pay for the license accurately.
You may have questions about why this brand, but do know that we have fans on the team, which makes a big difference to us. We also think it will make more sense to everyone once hype starts to build for the 2026 feature film.
We don’t have plans for any other crossovers this year, but we do see them as a good way to bring fans of other IPs into Bloons for the first time. We will be thinking about other crossovers when they excite the team and feel like fun and creative fits with the Monkeys.
We want to provide more to do with friends, either RL friends or cool people that you’ve friended up in game. One of the main blockers to Teams is the ownership model for Team Store items, so we’re planning to revamp that to allow more ability to keep items and display items on the Team Island.
We’ve also heard that many people want Team activities for the main game, so we are looking into a Social Goals feature that will provide multiple challenges and rewards for hitting Team targets across all types of BTD6 play.
And the biggest Team is everyone, so we’d also like to add some epic all players Goals to offer us a chance to truly all play together for fun event-based rewards!
We hope that sounds like a fun year ahead! As always, let us know what you think, as our discussion with our awesomer player community is one of the things we love most about building games. Cheers to 2025 and beyond!