
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-02-10 17:04:09 作者:影音資訊BOT Language



近日,據外媒Variety報道,亞馬遜將拍《暗影蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man Noir)》真人劇。


據悉,這部超級英雄劇集將設定在20世紀30年代的美國紐約,有自己的宇宙,主角不是Peter Parker。該劇集由《蜘蛛俠:平行宇宙》(2018)製作人Phil Lord、Christopher Miller和Orizen Uziel打造。

暗影蜘蛛俠比Peter Parker版的蜘蛛俠更加致命和殘忍,在美國大蕭條時期的紐約地下世界打擊罪犯。暗影蜘蛛俠曾出現在多部《蜘蛛俠》媒介中,包括2010年的電子遊戲《蜘蛛俠:破碎維度》、迪士尼XD系列《終極蜘蛛俠》和最近的《蜘蛛俠:平行宇宙》(暗影蜘蛛俠由尼古拉斯凱奇配音)。



然而,索尼最近也在嘗試將IP進軍電視劇領域,已經在去年和亞馬遜達成了合作,將製作多部基於蜘蛛俠宇宙角色的劇集。當時,公佈了首個劇集——《蛛絲:蜘蛛社會(Silk: Spider Society)》。

Amazon is developing a live-action Spider-Man Noir series, following on from the previous announcement of its Silk: Spider Society show. As reported by Variety, the as-of-yet untitled series follows a slightly older, grizzlier take on the web-slinging hero, set in New York in the 1930s. According to someone with knowledge of the show, it will take place in its own universe separate from everything else, and the main character won't be a version of Peter Parker. Can confirm! And also confirm that it’s going to be amazing. https://t.co/kFTB9AAeaJ Mortal Kombat (2021) writer Oren Uziel will write and executive produce, and is developing it alongside Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse producers Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, as well as former Sony boss Amy Pascal. Lord, Miller, and Pascal will also serve as executive producer on the series. Miller has also confirmed the series is in development himself on his personal Twitter account, saying that he can "also confirm that it's going to be amazing." Spider-Man Noir is the same character that previously appeared Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, portrayed by Nicholas Cage, but there's no indication that he'll be reprising the role or making any other kind of appearance. Cage also recently confirmed that he wouldn't be appearing in Across the Spider-Verse either. Not much else is known about the show, but it joins Silk: Spider Society in the list of numerous Marvel-Sony shows that Amazon ordered last year. Silk is being developed by The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang, where she'll serve as showrunner and executive producer. Lord, Miller, and Pascal are also serving as executive producers on this series. Several other shows are in development, but it isn't known which Marvel characters that Sony own will be featured in these projects. In December, Sony released the first full trailer for Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, showing a huge number of Spider-People that are all chasing after Miles for… some reason. The sequel is due to release June this year, and has significantly upped the count of interdimensional versions of New York's buggiest hero.

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