
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-11-13 10:17:22 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



近日,格鬥遊戲《眼鏡蛇2》的遊戲總監Paulo Luis Santos在接受採訪時表示,Xbox Series S這臺主機與Xbox Series X之間區別非常明顯,前者能夠堅持很長一段時間的使用。


他稱,消費者在買Xbox Series S之前就已經知道它的配置與Xbox Series X不一樣,所以主機的性能差距不是什麼大問題。他覺得Xbox Series S能堅持好一段時間,不過當下技術日新月異,所以也很難確定它的生命週期到底能有多長。


此前微軟方面堅稱Xbox Series S並未拖遊戲開發的後腿,反而強調其價格降低了主機遊戲的門檻。但一直以來都有開發者表示所有登陸Xbox Series X的遊戲都要照顧到Xbox Series S的性能,接下來這是否會成為Xbox平臺的嚴重問題,還有待觀察。

Whether or not the Xbox Series S is going to be able to stick around for as long as the current generation lasts is something that’s been questioned more than a few times over the last couple of years. Many, of course, have made their opinion on the same known, but it seems like though Xbox Series S its fair share of fans who believe it to be a sufficiently powerful machine, there are others who are less convinced about the gap between it and the Xbox Series X. Someone who falls in the former category, it seems, is Paulo Luis Santos, game director at Flux Games – the developer of the recently-released fighter Cobra Kai 2: Dojos Rising. Speaking during a recent interview with GamingBolt, when asked about the weaker variant of the current-gen line of Xbox consoles, Santos said that he feels there’s enough to differentiate the Xbox Series X and S, and that the latter should be able to “hold up for a good while.” “I believe that a customer that purchases the Series S is aware that it’s not the same specs as Series X, and is generally fine with that, so it shouldn’t be a huge problem if it’s slightly different from its more powerful sibling,” he said. “That being said, I think in general Series S should hold up for a good while and since these technologies evolve so fast it’s super hard to predict how long it lifecycle will be.” Microsoft, of course, has remained insistent the Xbox Series S doesn’t hold back game development, but rather advances it owing to how much more accessible it is, thanks to its cheaper price and greater availability. Some developers, however, have talked about the constraints its relatively weaker hardware puts on essentially any game that intends to release for the Xbox Series X as well. Whether or not this turns into a significant issue for developers at large remains to be seen. Our full aforementioned interview will be going live soon, so stay tuned for that. Cobra Kai 2: Dojos Rising is available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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