
3樓貓 發佈時間:2024-07-25 17:34:02 作者:八荒韞玉 Language

Greetings, Descendants!


We are here to give you the details about patches for The First Descendant Hotfix 1.0.4, applied maintenance-free on Wednesday, 7/24.

我們將在此為您提供有關First Descendant Hotfix1.0.4補丁程序的詳細信息,該補丁程序將於7/24(星期 三)應用

■ Patch Date

■ 修補日期

- PDT 2024.07.24(Wed) 02:40



■ Platforms

■ 平臺



■ Patch Details

■ 補丁詳細信息

Content Improvements


- Module storage limit has been increased from 1000 to 1500.


- Cooldown for " Vulgus Strategic Outpost" has been reduced from 5 minutes to 1 minute.

-“ Vulgus戰略前哨” 的冷卻時間由5分鐘縮短至1分鐘。

- Spawning time between monster respawn has been increased, and the reward amount has been adjusted at the " Vulgus Strategic Outpost".

-怪物重生之間的產卵時間增加,獎勵金額在“ Vulgus戰略前哨” 進行了調整。

- Void Fragments will now drop when defeating monsters in Special Operation. There will be the most void fragment drops at the Special Operation "Neutralize Void Experiment."

-在特殊行動中擊敗怪物時,虛空碎片會掉落。在“ 中和虛空實驗” 特別行動中,將會有最多的虛空碎片掉落。

- Using "Mark for Arrest" item obtained from Special Operation will grant ten times the usual amount of gold. When "Mark for Arrest" is used from ‘ consumable’ tab, it will convert to 100,000 gold, and "High-Value Mark for Arrest" will convert to 1,000,000 gold.

-使用從特別行動處獲得的“ 逮捕標記” 物品,可獲得十倍於平時數量的黃金。當從“ 消耗品” 標籤 使用“ 逮捕標記” 時,它將轉換為100,000金,而“ 高價值逮捕標記” 將轉換為1,000,000金。

# Director's Comment


With this adjustment, the reward amount at Fortress outpost has been reduced. However, to ensure that "Valby run" remains a popular hunting ground like Ambush Point and Refined Run, we have set the reward efficiency significantly higher than originally intended. We hope to provide numerous farming spots in The First Descendant, each with unique characteristics and usefulness to different Descendants. Instead of reverting Valby run to its original design intent, we have adjusted it to offer similar efficiency to other high-reward hunting grounds.

通過此項調整,在堡壘前哨的獎勵金額已減少。但是,為了確保“ Valby Run” 仍然是像伏擊點和精 煉跑一樣的熱門獵場,我們將獎勵效率設置為顯著高於最初的預期。我們希望在“ 第一後裔” 中 提供眾多的資源地點,每個地點都具有獨特的特點,並對不同的後代有用。我們沒有將Valby run還原到其原始設計意圖,而是對其進行了調整,以提供與其他高回報狩獵場相似的效率。

Additionally, we have shortened the cooldowns for all outposts so that players can play them more frequently without deliberately failing and no longer need to search for outposts with shorter cooldowns by moving around the map. We have also added gold rewards to Special Operations and adjusted 4 types of Void Fragments to be randomly dropped, allowing players to choose and utilize various hunting grounds.


Through issues like the Fortress Outskirts and Valby run, we are learning what kind of play style our players enjoy. The experience of sweeping through and farming monsters is of significant value in our game.

通過像堡壘外圍和Valby Run跑這樣的問題,我們正在學習我們的玩家喜歡什麼樣的打法。橫掃和養殖怪物的經驗在我們的遊戲中是非常有價值的。

Your feedback and interest are what drive the continuous improvement of The First Descendant. We will always listen to your feedback and improve the game.


■ Week 5 Update Preview

■ 第5周更新預覽

Greetings, this is The First Descendant Director Joo Min-seok. 


Along with the patch notes, we have prepared information about next week's update. Please look forward to it! 


Sea of Emerald, "Ultimate Valby"

翡翠之海,“ 終極渥爾比”

Finally, the Magisters have completed the ultimate project for Valby. This ultimate equipment, called "Sea of Emerald," has fulfilled Valby's long-held desire. It is a nano suit that replicates Valby’ s former body color and texture. Although covered in a thin layer, Valby feels like regaining a long-forgotten part of herself.

最後,術士們完成了渥爾比的終極計劃。這款名為“ 翡翠之海” 的終極裝備滿足了渥爾比長期以來的願望。這是一款複製渥爾比以前身體顏色和紋理的納米套裝。雖然身上覆蓋著薄薄的一層,但渥爾比感覺像是重新獲得了自己被遺忘已久的一部分。

Ultimate Valby’ s Modification Modules


- Spiral Tidal Wave: Replaces the Bubble Bullet, which was difficult to aim, with a projectile that flies straight.

Spiral Tidal Wave attracts the impurities of Gluttony, making it an excellent choice for intercepting Gluttony.


- Hydro Pressure Bomb: Instead of "Plop Plop," it leaps forward and deals damage to enemies around the landing area. The more enemies in the laundry state, the more powerful the damage, making Hydro Pressure Bomb a strong finishing blow. Instead of diving into the water, leap joyfully forward!

-水壓彈:不是“ 撲通撲通” ,而是向前跳躍,對著陸區周圍的敵人造成傷害,處於洗衣狀態的敵人 越多,傷害越大,水壓彈是強力的終結打擊。不要跳進水裡,要快樂地向前跳!

A New Descendant, "Luna"

新的後裔,“ 露娜”

The Mad Artist Luna has returned to Albion after a long wandering performance. Luna's synthesizer gun

becomes more powerful when fired in rhythm, enhancing allies' abilities based on the performance. When Luna dances to upbeat music, allies' skill power increases, and when dancing to relaxing music, allies' mentality recovers and resource consumption decreases. Invite everyone to Luna's concert.

瘋狂藝人露娜在經過長時間的流浪表演後回到了阿爾比恩。露娜的合成槍在有節奏的射擊時變得更 加強大,根據表演增強了盟友的能力。當露娜伴著歡快的音樂起舞時,盟友的技能威力增加,伴著 輕鬆的音樂起舞時,盟友的心態恢復,資源消耗減少。邀請所有人參加露娜的音樂會。

Unfortunately for Virgus, it will be their last stage, but Luna's performance is just beginning!


Luna’ s Modification Modules


- Nimble Footsteps: Enhances Luna's mobility and amplifies the effect range of her performance, allowing for more effective ally support.


- Noise Surge: Transforms Luna from a supporter to a combat dealer. Dashes towards enemies in rhythm, dealing damage to nearby enemies. When the inspiration gauge is full, summons a stage to recover mental strength and shields. Provide enemies with a terrifying musical experience with Noise Surge!




The mutated Devourer-type Gluttony is a giant that indulges in Void Energy. It is equipped with systems to mine Void Energy and a cooling system to cool the heat generated during this process. To counter Gluttony, you need measures to withstand its cooling performance and the judgment to exploit its greedy temperament. Intercept Gluttony and collect new ultimate weapons and external components.

變異的吞噬者型貪食症是一個沉溺於虛空能量的巨人。它配備了挖掘空能的系統和冷卻系統,以冷 卻在此過程中產生的熱量。要對付貪吃症,您需要採取措施來抵禦它的冷卻性能,並需要判斷力來 利用它的貪婪氣質。攔截暴飲暴食並收集新的終極武器和外部組件。

New Ultimate Weapon "Peace Mediator"


When meditation is necessary to bring peace to Ingris, the new ultimate weapon Peace Mediator is the perfect solution. This powerful hand cannon is effective even with single shots but can unleash a burst of bullets to deliver powerful firepower under the right conditions.

當需要冥想來給英格里斯帶來和平時,新的終極武器“ 和平調停者” 就是完美的解決方案。這款強 大的手持加農炮即使只需一次射擊也是有效的,但在適當的條件下可以釋放一次子彈的爆發來提供 強大的火力。

New Ultimate Module "Arche Concretion"

新的終極模塊“ 弓凝固”

Provides Arche Concretion effect, which increases defense and mentality when using skills but decreases movement speed and attack power. It is particularly useful for Luna and Ajax and can be a good choice for players who want stable skill use. Your choices are free; combine various Modules to create your unique build.

提供足弓凝聚效果,在使用技能時增加防禦和心態,但降低移動速度和攻擊力。這對盧納和阿賈克 斯特別有用,對於那些想要穩定技能使用的球員來說是一個很好的選擇。您可以自由選擇;組合各 種模塊以創建您的獨特構建。

Balance Adjustments


In the week 5 update, we have decided to make balance adjustments for some Descendants and Ultimate weapons.


First, we are adjusting Valby, Blair, and Freyna, who use AOE as their main skills. We hope to see these Descendants more effectively dominate the battlefield, creating large AOE zones and leisurely watching enemies fall from the rear. Look forward to improved performance for these wide-range covering Descendants.


Additionally, there will be improvements to Ultimate weapons that enhance critical hit chance and damage. Enduring Legacy (machine gun), Secret Garden (tactical rifle), and Nazeistra's Devotion (hand cannon) will be improved to boast more powerful firepower with critical settings.


Moreover, Greg's Reversed Fate (tactical rifle) will be adjusted to activate its unique effect in more chances. We are also improving the functionality of single-shot weapons, allowing players to choose between single-shot and rapid-fire modes. Please look forward to it.

此外,格雷格的逆轉命運(戰術步槍)將被調整,以激活其獨特的效果在更多的機會。我們也正在改 善單發武器的功能,讓玩家選擇單發和速射模式。敬請期待。



There will also be more improvements for convenience to be included in the week 5 update. Plus, new cosmetics that many players have been waiting for will be out, so please wait just one more week!


I will always be waiting for you in Albion. See you on August 1st! 


Thank you.


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