
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-01-01 18:21:18 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language






对此,外媒Dsogaming表示,目前在光追画质下稳定60帧的唯一方法只能是使用40系显卡的DLSS3功能。他们使用 RTX4090在2K分辨率下的测试对比结果如下,内存为16GB DDR4,CPU为Intel i9 9900K。









© The updated The Witcher 3 is currently suffering from some terrible CPU optimization issues that show up when ray tracing is enabled. Due to these issues, there is currently no CPU that can run the game with RT at constant 60fps. Earlier this month, a new mod appeared for the game that promises to improve performance when using RTGI. At first glance, this mod looks interesting. However, after testing, the mod does not bring any performance boost in CPU-bound scenes. So it’s not surprising that the comparison video was filmed in the open world, and not in the city. So while you might get some performance improvement in rare GPU-intensive scenarios, in CPU-intensive scenes you will still fall below 60 fps. So, is there a way to get consistent 60 fps with ray tracing? Actually, there is. However, this “workaround” is only available to RTX40 owners. By using DLSS 3 (which the game natively supports), you can double your in-game performance. Thus, even on an Intel i9 9900K you can get consistent 60 fps. Below are some comparisons between native 1440p without DLSS 3 Frame Generation (left) and with DLSS 3 Frame Generation (right). These screenshots were created using an Intel i9 9900K with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX4090 and 16GB DDR4. Those. in fact there is no mod that can improve the performance of the game with RT in cities. The only way to overcome the CPU optimization issues in the game is to use DLSS 3. At least for now.

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