游戏英语精读 240129

3楼猫 发布时间:2024-01-29 19:32:27 作者:麦叔叔的书房 Language

1. 英文原文(加粗单词为第二部分的重点单词);
2. 重点单词的中英文解释;
3. 中英文翻译;
1. 先不借助任何参考工具的情况下,自行通读原文一遍。在这个阶段,将自己不太理解的单词和文段标记出来;
2. 学习重点单词,并查找之前不理解的单词,再返回原文阅读标记的文段,看看是否理解了;
3. 最后通读中英文翻译,将自己仍不清楚的地方留言给我,我会尽力为您解读。

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Guide: Things It Doesn't Tell You: Part 3

When It Comes To Timing, Early Is Best

Several attacks and skills in Infinite Wealth, as well as blocking enemies with a Perfect Guard, are reliant on pressing a button at exactly the right time. If you find yourself struggling, try hitting the prompt a little on the early side. You may still be able to get it before the circle closes, while pressing too late will result in missing the prompt entirely.

Avoiding Combat And Running Away Are Both Options

As you approach an enemy on the streets of Hawaii or Japan, you will see a yellow bar begin to fill up. That bar indicates the enemy's focus. Once it's full, it's too late - the enemy has noticed you, and you will be drawn into a fight with them! If you don't want to get into this particular fight, you can run away before the yellow bar fills. Once it disappears, you're safe! If you do find yourself trapped in a fight that's a bit above your level, you can try to escape combat using the provided button - but be aware, it's not guaranteed to work!

Attack Interruptions Are No Longer An Issue

In Like a Dragon, if you attacked an enemy that was surrounded by other enemies, your attack could be interrupted while they took a few swings at you. However, this mechanic has been removed in Infinite Wealth. Feel free to attack large groups of enemies - in fact, in this game, you might even do a bit of extra damage by shoving them into each other and knocking them all down at once!


1. Reliant:A person or thing that is reliant on something needs it and often cannot live or work without it,依赖的、依靠的;
2. Prompt:a word or words said to an actor, to remind them what to say next when they have forgotten,(给演员的)提词、提示;
3. Indicate:If one thing indicates another, the first thing shows that the second is true or exists,表明;
4. Draw:If you draw something or someone in a particular direction, you move them in that direction, usually by pulling them gently,轻拖、轻拉;
5. Interruption:the act of interrupting sb/sth and of stopping them from speaking,打扰、插嘴、打岔;
6. Swing:If you swing at a person or thing, you try to hit them with your arm or with something that you are holding,击打。Swing is also a noun,击打;
7. Shove:If you shove someone or something, you push them with a quick, violent movement,猛推;

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Guide: Things It Doesn't Tell You: Part 3


When It Comes To Timing, Early Is Best


Several attacks and skills in Infinite Wealth, as well as blocking enemies with a Perfect Guard, are reliant on pressing a button at exactly the right time. If you find yourself struggling, try hitting the prompt a little on the early side. You may still be able to get it before the circle closes, while pressing too late will result in missing the prompt entirely.

Avoiding Combat And Running Away Are Both Options


As you approach an enemy on the streets of Hawaii or Japan, you will see a yellow bar begin to fill up. That bar indicates the enemy's focus. Once it's full, it's too late - the enemy has noticed you, and you will be drawn into a fight with them! If you don't want to get into this particular fight, you can run away before the yellow bar fills. Once it disappears, you're safe! If you do find yourself trapped in a fight that's a bit above your level, you can try to escape combat using the provided button - but be aware, it's not guaranteed to work!

Attack Interruptions Are No Longer An Issue


In Like a Dragon, if you attacked an enemy that was surrounded by other enemies, your attack could be interrupted while they took a few swings at you. However, this mechanic has been removed in Infinite Wealth. Feel free to attack large groups of enemies - in fact, in this game, you might even do a bit of extra damage by shoving them into each other and knocking them all down at once!

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