
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-07-29 23:48:52 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




《 獵殺:對決 》開發商 Crytek 今天(7月28日)宣佈,遊戲有史以來最大的全新活動“巨蟒之月”已經正式上線。此次活動將從7月28日持續至9月27日。活動包括全新的遊戲玩法、更多的故事、全新的進化傳奇獵人“毒液(Viper)”等等。持續60天的活動中將包含比以往更多的獎勵,以及包含兩個全新 DLC 的新“巨蟒之夜”捆綁包,其中包括新的傳奇獵人和武器。




免費選項種玩家可以對“毒液”進行 2 個階段的升級,以及在活動期間獲得武器和 Blood Bonds 的集會。標準版則提供所有免費內容、4 個階段的進化、更多的武器和獎勵解鎖。高級版包括之前所有內容,以及3000活動點數讓玩家可以更快解鎖內容。所有版本玩家都可以活動兩把新武器:Remero 77 Alamo “Coluber”霰彈槍,以及“Snake Shot”火花手槍。除此之外還有更多內容供玩家挑戰解鎖。

 “巨蟒之月”捆綁包將包含“他們來自塞勒姆”以及全新的 DLC “預知之夜”。新內容將登錄PS4、Xbox One和PC平臺。


Crytek has kicked off what it calls Hunt: Showdown‘s biggest live event so far, dubbed Serpent Moon. The Serpent Moon event will run for 60 days, concluding on September 25. Check out the trailer for the event below. The Serpent Moon live event will bring a new supernatural infestation of snakes to the game. Serpents will start showing up in snake dens throughout the bayou, nad players must capture the sankes and sacrifice them on altars. Rewards for taking part in the new event include Blood Bonds and weapons. Tying in to the new mechanics revolving around snakes, players will have access to new Event Traits to help them with the new objectives: Beastface reduces the reaction range of snakes, Serpent increases the distance from which snake sacrifices can be made, and Poison Sense will identify nearby poisoned players through Dark Sight. The Serpent Moon event will also allow players to play as new Legendary Hunter Viper. A new feature with Viper is that the character will see visual changes through different stages of the event. The number of stages will depend on the player’s progress through the event. There is also a new battle pass system, dubbed The Gilded Path, which allows players to choose between free, standard, and premium paths. Two of Viper’s progression paths are available through the free path in the new battle pass, alongside weapons and Blood Bonds. The standard Gilded Path adds on four stages of Viper’s evolution, and the premium Gilded Path adds 3,000 Event points on top. There are 11 rewards during Serpent Moon, with new weapon rewards including the “Antosha” Caldwell Conversion Chain Pistol, and the “Lucidus” Vetterli 71 Karabiner Silencer. The premium Gilded Path includes weapons like the new “Snake Oil Ward” antidote shot, and the Winfield 1873 Swift rifle “Slither”. Hunt: Showdown‘s Serpent Moon event is kicking off alongside a new DLC bundle for the game—The Prescient—which includes new Legendary Hunters and Legendary Weapons. Serpent Moon is live in Hunt: Showdown on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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