今日,《宝可梦 朱/宝可梦 紫》发布最终预告,一起来看看吧。
Ed Sheeran的新歌《Celestia》作为预告背景乐,众多宝可梦登场,展示了“朱紫”的游戏流程和宝可梦对抗等。
随着由Ed Sheeran创作的游戏插曲「Celestial」,为你呈献帕底亚地区的冒险!
“Content Club” was founded by the former head Sony Pictures Productions and Releasing Anton Sirenko in June of this year. Sirenko personally confirmed the name change to Vedomosti. The transfer of the structure under the control of the Russian top management took place as part of a cash deal, the details of which were not disclosed. SPPR has repeatedly taken part in the production of Russian films, among which “Stalingrad”, “Attraction” and dialogue “Ice”. Other company Sirenko “Content Club Holding Company” from 2023 will be engaged in the distribution of Russian films in the creation of which Sony participated. More on Aroged