
3樓貓 發佈時間:2023-12-15 11:46:29 作者:無眠英語ENG Language


A cold and reserved young man who wields a spear known as Cloud-Piercer. He acts as the Express' guard on its long trailblazing expedition.


*清冷寡言的 cold and reserved。

*長槍 spear。使用武器用wield,比如持劍 wield a sword。

*擊雲 Cloud-Piercer。字面意思為雲-穿孔機。

*開拓之旅 trailblazing expedition

Dan Heng never talks much about his past. In fact, he joined the Express Crew to escape from a past of his own making.


*諱莫如深 talks much about 。或者也可以用closely guard a secret,unduly reticent on the subject of等等。

But can the Express really help him outrun his past?


*遠離 outrun。英文釋義為to run faster or further than sb/sth 跑得比…快(或遠);超過。



reserved 寡言少語的,內斂的

spear 長槍

Piercer 穿孔機

expedition 遠征,考察

closely guard a secret 諱莫如深

outrun 超過

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