【個人翻譯】-《命運簡史》Vol 1「憂愁之書 第1:3節」

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-24 09:33:54 作者:_Magpie Language


The Oath














"In blood the oath is made."




Put up the lightning sails, and we will voyage far.


  • 注1:鋨王年齡越來越大越來越無能,陶克斯也意識到自己的死期迫在眉睫,暗中,她請來了敵對的氦飲者,入侵鋨宮,刺殺皇室,讓她成為氦王麾下的大陸攝政王。氦飲者隨後入侵併殺死了鋨王,國王的女兒們設法逃脫,併發誓有一天會回來併為陶克斯的背叛復仇。



V‌erse1:3 The Oath

Sisters! This is how an oath is done. Put your left hands on the mast, close to mine.

Take the knife in your right hand. Push it through your left hand, straight between the bones. Now! Carve a blood line down the mast.

Speak your oath.

"I am Xi Ro, youngest daughter of the dead king. I will take back my Osmium Court and kill the traitor Taox. On my left eye I swear vengeance."

In blood the oath is made.

"I am Sathona, middle daughter of the dead king. I will take back my home and eat the mother jelly. I will raise my spawn on the corpse of the Helium King. On my right eye I promise this.”

In blood the oath is made.


"I will help make your oath, sister."

"I will help it too."

I am Aurash, first daughter of the dead king. I will chase my father's last screamed warning. I will know what changed the motion of our moons. If the end of the world is coming, I will understand why.

On my center eye I swear it. I will understand.

"In blood the oath is made."

“In blood."

Thank you, sisters. We have only my ship left to us. But a ship is freedom! We have secrets to hunt, storm-lit realms to explore, and great armies to raise.

Put up the lightning sails, and we will voyage far.

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