
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-16 18:32:23 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language


《遊靈(Rogue Spirit)》是一款帶有輕度潛行元素的3D rogue-lite動作遊戲。在遊戲中扮演米德拉王國的幽靈王子,附身於敵人並吸收其獨特的技能,擊退破壞王國故土的邪惡勢力。


《遊靈(Rogue Spirit)》正式版將於2023年3月8日登陸主機與PC平臺。


PC Gamer writes that Overwatch 1 owners will receive a premium Battle Pass for Overwatch 2 if they log into the game within the first two seasons. Treat this information with a grain of salt: Blizzard’s official article didn’t say anything about this – it only said about access to Kiriko. Fingers crossed and waiting for the details. We remind you that the release of Overwatch 2 will take place on October 4 on all current platforms.

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