《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》各种奖励活动开启!

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-11-11 16:56:50 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》各种奖励活动开启!-第0张

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》即将开启限量精英封测,今日,官方宣布「骑士公会预创建」活动正式开始,同时还有多种奖励开送。

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》各种奖励活动开启!-第1张

团结就是力量,「骑士公会预创建」开跑 钻石金币、专属称号、神器宝箱一次到手

玩家可透过手机号码登入介面,即可完成公会预创建或加入其他公会。不论是自创公会或选择加入公会的玩家,皆可轻松入手500钻石,而公会集结人数达标也有相应奖励,集结达5人可获得先驱骑士的专属称号,达成10人可获得50,000金币,达成20人再入手钻石500,集结达成25人则可获得 SR 神器随机宝箱一个,公会成员人数以活动结束时的状态为准。

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》各种奖励活动开启!-第2张


在指定期间《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》开启的服务器为参赛对象,全部玩家和公会均可参与最强荣耀骑士争夺战赛事,在赛事中得奖的玩家及公会,将可获得「高额奖金」、「绝版限定坐骑」、「赛事荣誉称号」等丰厚的限定奖励。

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》各种奖励活动开启!-第3张

《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》事前预约持续火爆进行中,游戏封测近期启动

赶紧号召好友加入事前预约活动,一起相约游历艾斯普罗大陆,再把冰蓝圣果、美容式入场券拿下,目标集齐五套限定时装,把最新 iPhone14 Pro、Apple Watch 8、PS5、Switch Lite、Steam Deck 一次打包带回家!而《Gran Saga:格兰骑士团》游戏封测即将开启,相关活动最新速报,请骑士们持续锁定官方粉丝团!

Publisher Atlus and developer Vanillaware will host the “13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim 3rd Anniversary Celebration” live stream on November 28 at 19:00 JST, the companies announced. You will be able to watch it on YouTube. The broadcast will feature the results announcement of a previously distributed user survey, a special performance by Hu Ito, a look at some third anniversary commemoration merchandise, and more. It will be hosted by Tomomi Isomura and feature appearances by voice actors Takayuki Ishii (Takatoshi Hijiyama), Ami Koshimizu (Yuki Takamiya), and Mutsumi Tamura (Tsukasa Okino), and special guest Ryuuji, as well as a special performance by Hu Ito (Miyuki Inaba singer). Here is a new piece of artwork drawn by Vanillaware illustrator Emika Kida in commemoration of the game’s third anniversary: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is available now for PlayStation 4 and Switch worldwide.

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