
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-12-28 12:06:08 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language





《地狱之刃2:塞娜的献祭》的开发商Ninja Theory在圣诞节更新了一篇推文,其中提到了将在2023年重新推出游戏的开发者日志节目,似乎也暗示这款游戏距离正式发售不远了。


此前Ninja Theory曾透露《地狱之刃2:塞娜的献祭》的质量将“突破极限”,随着2023年开发日志的回归,我们将慢慢对本作有更多的了解。

We are still waiting for updates on Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 and the other Ninja Theory projects, but it is possible that these will arrive soon, as early as the beginning of 2023considering a recent tweet from the developers indicating the next launch of announcements about games in development. As you can see below, Ninja Theory’s message is extremely terse but quite explicit: “I developer video diaries they will be back next year. Merry Christmas!” This, at the very least, tells us that the team intends to restart its usual flow of direct-to-public communications with the start of 2023. Video diaries have always been used by Ninja Theory quite frequently even during the development of previous games. During the first Hellblade: Senua’s *********, for example, the British team had released a huge amount of video materials of this type to document the series stages of the game’s development. In short, over time, it has become a standard modus operandi for Ninja Theory, although the intentions have clearly changed. Initially, considering that the first Hellblade was developed in an indie regime, it was a way to publicize the project and the team itself: at this point, no longer needing to promote the company, the intention is above all to maintain a communication channel open with the public. We therefore look forward to seeing the new video diaries from Ninja Theory in 2023, which should focus on Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 but perhaps also on Project Mara, the other project currently underway at the team.

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