
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-13 12:12:06 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



Niantic宣佈了一項新的Pokemon Go活動,該活動將於當地時間9月16日上午10點至9月21日晚上8點舉行。





Pokemon Go是一款免費的手機遊戲。你可以在蘋果應用商店和谷歌遊戲上下載它。

Niantic has announced a new Pokemon Go event that will take place from September 16, 10 AM, to September 21, 8 PM local time. Players will have to battle against steel-type pokemon. Those in the Northern Hemisphere will encounter the Ultra Beast Kartana, while players in the Southern Hemisphere will encounter the Ultra Beast Celesteela. Whenever someone catches a pokemon during this event, there's an increased chance for the candy to become a Candy XL with the following throws: In addition to these event bonuses, the Mega Aggron will be making its debut via Mega raids from September 16 to September 27, and the Togedemaru will also be making their first appearance too. Players will have increased odds of catching an Aron, Beldum, Bronzor, Drilbur, Ferroseed, Magnemite, Nosepass, Pineco, Prinplup, Stunfisk, and a Togedemaru in the wild. Throughout the event, trainers can also receive 7 km Eggs that could hold a Drilbur, Ferroseed, Magnemite, Nosepass, Pineco, Scizor Mega Energy, and a Togedemaru Steelix Mega Energy. The following raids will be available throughout the event: Players will also have the option to complete field research on the following pokemon: Those who complete all of their timed research tasks will be eligible to earn an Aggron Mega Energy and encounters with Togedemaru and Aron. Pokemon Go is a free-to-play mobile game. You can download it on the Apple App Store and Google Play. For more Pokemon Go news, be sure to check out these stories:

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