【PC游戏】CSGO可能会”搬家“到Source 2 引擎

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-03 11:06:40 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



【PC游戏】CSGO可能会”搬家“到Source 2 引擎-第0张


【PC游戏】CSGO可能会”搬家“到Source 2 引擎-第1张

所有这些似乎都促使Valve对他们的创意进行了另一次升级:显然,《CSGO》将“搬迁”到一个更新的Source 2引擎上。




More than ten years have passed since the release of the network shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The game managed to become free during this time and, perhaps, this just extended its already impressive life cycle: to this day, the project is very popular and has an impressive online presence. All this seems to have pushed Valve to another upgrade of their brainchild: apparently, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive will be “relocated” to a much more recent Source 2 engine. So far, there have been no official corresponding announcements, but attentive users found a hint of such plans in the code of new drivers from NVIDIA in the csgos2.exe and cs2.exe files. Further fueling the possibility that the guesses are correct is an earlier rumor from Reddit user Aquarius, who started talking about it much earlier. According to him, “moving” to the new engine will take place this year. How reliable all this is, only time will tell, but we recall that this is not about official information. In fact, these are rumors and leaks. Let their implementation in life has a fairly high probability.

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