索尼副总裁:PS VR2的销量很有可能超过原版

3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-08 17:37:37 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



索尼执行副总裁兼首席财务官Hiroki Totoki本周在摩根士丹利技术、媒体和电信会议上表示,他认为PlayStation VR2的销量很有可能超过第一代,而初代PS VR的销量超过500万台。

索尼副总裁:PS VR2的销量很有可能超过原版-第0张

Totoki表示:“我们很高兴在PS5主机上发布PS VR2,PS VR销量超过500万套,我认为我们很有可能在PlayStation VR2的销量上超过这个数字。”他还讲道,“有预测称,虚拟现实市场有可能在本十年的前五年成为媒体和娱乐方面增长最快的领域之一。”

索尼副总裁:PS VR2的销量很有可能超过原版-第1张

索尼PS VR2于2月22日正式开售,国行版同步发售,官方零售价4499元,包含PlayStation VR2头戴设备、PlayStation VR2 Sense控制器(附固定带)、立体声耳机(两对替换耳塞)、USB连接线及说明使用手册,PSVR2 Sense控制器充电座也于同日推出,中国大陆市场建议零售价359元。

According to Sony, there’s a “good chance” that PlayStation VR2 will outperform its predecessor in terms of sales. Released in 2016, the first generation PSVR headset sold more than five million. Two weeks ago, the virtual reality headset PlayStation VR2 was launched. Unlike the PS5, which is mandatory for use and struggled with delivery issues for two years, the €600 accessory has not been affected by shortages. Sony has so far left open the question of how often PS VR2 has ended up with end customers since its launch. The facts should follow in one of the next annual reports. But the Japanese company is already confident that the sales of the predecessor headset PlayStation VR, which was released in 2016 for the PS4, can be exceeded. First, Hiroki Totoki, Sony’s Executive Deputy President and Chief Financial Officer, was asked in an interview to rate the launch of PlayStation VR2. Thereupon he explained: “We are very happy to release VR2 on PS5. We’ve sold over five million units of VR1. And I think we have a good chance of beating that number with PlayStation VR2.” Totoki pointed to forecasts that the overall VR market could be one of the biggest growth areas in the media and entertainment segment in the first half of this decade. If these forecasts are correct, he sees “good potential” for the VR/AR market and also “good potential for technology development in this area”. The biggest hurdle for PlayStation VR2 is probably the fairly high entry price, which can be justified with the technical equipment, but is likely to blow the budget of one or the other interested party. The cheapest option is the virtual reality headset without software at a price of 599.99 euros. 50 euros more can be invested in a bundle with “Horizon: Call of the Mountain”. More PlayStation VR2 news: Other companies are also clinging to the VR future, including Meta. The Facebook company recently announced the Meta Quest 3, which is smaller and lighter than the previous model* will fail. The standalone hardware should score with mixed reality experiences, among other things. More PlayStation VR2 news. Discuss this news on the PlayStation Forum Links to Amazon, Media Markt, Saturn and some other retailers are usually affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we receive a small commission that we can use to finance the free-to-use site. You have no disadvantages.

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