【PC遊戲】Ubisoft+ 在PC上免費使用至10月10日

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-09-12 19:55:54 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




【PC遊戲】Ubisoft+ 在PC上免費使用至10月10日-第0張

不過,試用期只針對新用戶。其中包括含《刺客教條》全系列、《極地戰嚎6》、《湯姆·克蘭西》系列、《彩虹六號》等100多款遊戲的免費暢,玩包括擴展和季節通行證。Ubisoft+在PC和Google Stadia上的費用為每月14.99美元。

【PC遊戲】Ubisoft+ 在PC上免費使用至10月10日-第1張

In addition to all the big reveals at Ubisoft Forward, from Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope to Assassin’s Creed Codename RED and HEXE, a free trial period for Ubisoft+ was also announced. It’s currently free on PC until October 10th, 11 AM PT, which is a pretty good deal considering it has over 100 titles. The trial is only for new subscribers, though. Among some of the titles are Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Far Cry 6, The Division 2, Rainbow Six Siege Extraction, Riders Republic, and much more. The Premium Editions for certain titles, which include expansion and season passes, are also available (though some may not have all of the content). For more details on the free trial, head here. Ubisoft+ costs $14.99 per month on PC and Google Stadia, with new Ubisoft titles launching on day one for subscribers. Some titles called Ubisoft+ Classics are also available with PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium.

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