【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈

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【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第0張

新成立的日本獨立開發商Studio Snowblind日前公佈《Glaciered》,這是一款科幻動作冒險遊戲,故事發生在6500萬年後被冰川覆蓋的地球。遊戲計劃通過Steam在PC上推出,發行時間尚未公佈。

Studio Snowblind由Kei Shibuya於今年5月創建,他之前曾參與過《Project Nimbus: Complete Edition》和《Sumire》等項目,以及PlayStation 3和Xbox 360時代以來的多款遊戲。



  • 遊戲特性包括實時、動態的戰鬥,提供近戰和遠程攻擊。釋放Tua祖先中鳥類和恐龍血統中的力量,利用他們控制冷熱的能力進行作戰。
  • 通過結合各種能力和被動技能來構建角色,如高速游泳,瞬時水晶刃等等。
  • 探索未來6500萬年後的獨特生態環境。
  • Glaciered支持NVIDIA RTX特性。在4K中體驗遙遠的未來地球,體驗光線追蹤和DLSS以及8K高清材質帶來的效果。

【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第1張

【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第2張

【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第3張

【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第4張

【PC遊戲】探索冰原 科幻動作冒險新作《Glaciered》公佈-第5張

Studio Snowblind, a newly established Japanese independent developer, has announced Glaciered, a science-fiction action adventure game set below the sea on a glacier-covered on Earth 65 million years in the future. It is planned for release on PC via Steam. A release date was not announced. Studio Snowblind was founded in May by Kei Shibuya, who has previously worked on projects such as Project Nimbus: Complete Edition and Sumire, as well as various titles since the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 era. Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page: About Glaciered takes place on Earth 65 million years in the future, where the “Everwinter” has transformed the planet’s surface into a gigantic sheet of ice and life continues to survive under the glacier-covered seas. Aquatic plants grow from glacier skies and colorful, bioluminescent fish light the seafloor. A new species prospers in this new golden age of life. They are the Tuai, descended from birds and successors of the dinosaurs. The superior intellect and unique metabolism they evolved over millions of years secured their prosperity in this icy environment. The great Ice Age that nurtures this bountiful ecosystem will survive for as long as the Everwinter persists. Play as a Tuai fighting against that which has come to threaten the Everwinter. Key Features Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.

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