
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-12-16 22:23:56 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



發行商索尼互動娛樂SIE和開發商Insomniac Games宣佈,《漫威蜘蛛俠2》將於2023年秋季在PlayStation 5上推出。


Insomniac Games創意總監Bryan Intihar在PlayStation Blog上說道:“對於PlayStation Studios來說,這是多麼難忘的一年,祝賀大家在2022年取得成功,讓我們期待明年的精彩,《漫威蜘蛛俠2》計劃將於明年秋季推出。”



Sony has announced that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will launch in Fall 2023 for PlayStation 5. The game takes place after the events of the first game and follows both Peter Parker and Miles Morales. “What a year it’s been for PlayStation Studios; here at Insomniac Games we’ve been in absolute awe of the work of our peers. Congrats to everyone on a successful 2022," said Insomniac Games creative director Bryan Intihar. "And here’s to next year being just as exciting as we continue to get Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ready for release next fall.” Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was first revealed back in September 2021 and was slated for a 2023 release window. Now we know that it's coming in the latter half of the year. It's also expected to be darker than the previous games in the series, including the first game and the Miles Morales entry. Insomniac Games is also working on a Wolverine game, which doesn't have a release window just yet. However, for some reason, Microsoft thinks that it could release sometime in 2023. Considering Spider-Man 2 will launch in the Fall of 2023, that estimate seems unlikely, though it isn't impossible.

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