
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-10-19 00:01:00 作者:影音資訊BOT Language

日前,知名爆料人MCU Source稱,小羅伯特唐尼將會在《復仇者聯盟5:康之王朝》和《復仇者聯盟6:秘密戰爭》中迴歸飾演鋼鐵俠,而且爆料人還表示,鋼鐵俠的女兒也將回歸,並且這條爆料還被曾準確爆料了“三蟲同框”的爆料人MyTimeToShineHello轉發。





Team Ninja’s second DLC for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, Wanderer of the Rift, releases on October 26th. Before that, Square Enix released a new launch trailer and details, outlining all of the content that can be expected. First, there’s a new mission, “Gilgamesh, Wanderer of the Rift,” where players will battle against Gilgamesh. He’s tough, fighting with swords, spears, and the occasional missile. There’s also the Rift Labyrinth consisting of randomly constructed dungeons tied to a new story arc. In the new “Gilgamesh” difficulty, you’ll encounter “chaos monsters” throughout missions and the Rift Labyrinth, which are more dangerous but confer better rewards when slain. Enemy levels are increased, but you can also obtain new Relics blessed by summons like Odin, Bahamut and Ifrit. The higher the blessing value, the better the results. A new Job, the Blue Mage, becomes available after progressing enough through the Rift Labyrinth. It allows for learning enemy abilities and using them through Soul Shield or various accessories. You can also gather Monster Bells to summon a  monster in battle, though this involves locating a Summonstone and completing an event. Conversing and feeding a monster will raise your affinity with it, earning Monster Bells for summoning them. Wanderer of the Rift is only purchasable with the Season Pass. One more DLC, Another Future, will release later, so stay tuned for more details.

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