【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-03-08 19:56:35 作者:zeruo Language

“穿過夢境,聽從燈之召喚;採集火焰,於此衰落聖冠。” ---------格林

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第0張



【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第1張


【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第2張



So, it was you who called us.

很高興見到你,我的朋友。我是格林,這個劇團的團長。 夢魘之燈已被點亮,我們聽從你的召喚來到了這裡。這是你選擇的盛大舞臺,一個被蟲與根滋養的王國,是舉行我們儀式的絕佳土地。 還有你,我的朋友,你所要做的還遠沒有結束。

Well met, my friend. Well met. I am Grimm, master of this troupe. The lantern has been lit, and your summons heeded. A fine stage you choose, this kingdom fallowed by worm and root, perfect earth upon which our Ritual shall take place. And you, my friend. Your own part is far from over.

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第3張


Bravo, my friend. Hear how the crowd adores you! They've not seen such a show in a long time.

再看看!我們的孩子也被我們熱烈的舞蹈所滋養,繼續成長、變得強大! 我確信,你們兩個會成為無數榮耀與悲劇的主角。 我們盛大的儀式就要結束了。你還會不會繼續收集火焰?即使你一定已經看到它是如何為我們照亮前路的? 我們鮮紅的眼睛會一直盯著你的……朋友。

Look here! How our child has grown, nourished and strengthened by the heat of our passionate dance! The two of you will feature in many tragedies and triumphs together, I'm sure. And so our great Ritual nears its end. Will you continue to harvest the flame, even though now you surely see the path it illuminates for us? Our scarlet eyes will watch you keenly... friend.


Go out into the darkness. Harvest the last lingering embers of this Kingdom. Then return to me and we will complete our dance.

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第4張


Wonderful. Wonderful! My kin arrive and the time has come.


This searing fire... It carries well the Ritual's promise.


Dance with me, my friend. The crowd awaits. Show them you are worthy of a starring role!

夢魘之燈已點燃,猩紅色的火焰中烙下我們的契約。 我們很期待你能立刻開始,不過我們要先把任務解釋清楚。

As the lantern flared your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire. Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required.


I can feel it. The warmth of the flame you've gathBeautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Just don't neglect our dance, for it too continues! Keep hunting that scattered, scarlet essence. When the child is filled with flame once more, return to the stage and the performance will begin.ered together.

一個精彩的開場演出,空氣中都瀰漫著熱烈的氣氛。 親愛的孩子,你做的很好。讓你的火焰燃燒得更亮一些吧!

A masterful opening act. The air hums with excitement. Dear child, you've done so well. Let your fire burn even brighter!

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第5張

真是漂亮。孩子已經成長了,從一個無力作為的青年變成了一位強有力的伴侶。這片土地危機四伏,你一定樂於接受它的幫助。 不過別忘了我們的儀式舞蹈,也要繼續進行下去!繼續尋找分散在各處的猩紅之精華。 當孩子再次燃滿火焰之時,回到這裡的舞臺,表演就會開始。

Beautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Just don't neglect our dance, for it too continues! Keep hunting that scattered, scarlet essence. When the child is filled with flame once more, return to the stage and the performance will begin.

我的親族分散在這些土地的各處,收集我們……種族特有的精華,夢之火焰。 尋找我的親族,收集它們的火焰並帶回來給我。我們便能一同創造奇蹟。 小傢伙別擔心,你不會孤身一個完成這個任務。我的孩子會引導你找到火焰,並把那些燃燒的精華吸收到其體內。 和你一樣,這孩子在任務中也是至關重要的。只有它陪伴在你身邊時,火焰和我的親族才會向你顯形。

Across these lands my kin now spread, harvesting that essence peculiar to my... breed, the flame in dream. Seek my kin; claim their flame and return it to me. Together, marvels shall be achieved. But don't fret small one. For this task you won't travel alone. My child shall guide you to the flame and gather within itself that burning essence. Like you, the child plays key role in this task. Only with it by your side will the flame, and my kin, reveal themselves to you.

【PC遊戲】空洞騎士 格林(團長)全對話 人物解析5-第6張


真是精妙!即使一個被拋棄的容器也容納著如此兇猛的力量。 你的手藝可真不錯,親愛的沃姆,這真是延續格林之心的完美工具啊。

Masterful! Even a vessel discarded bears fierce strength. Fine craft dear Wyrm, and perfect tool to prolong the heart of Grimm.

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