【侠盗猎车手5】Weazel News关于本次夏季DLC的新闻报道

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-10-29 23:00:14 作者:GTAOL英文版区 Language


Breaking News 突发新闻

Brian: Wow, It is hot out there, folks, Kelly


Kelly: We hope you're keeping cool. Los Santos mercury is rising in San Andreas as this summer continues to break the records for the hottest temperature since last year.


Brian: For gravy, It's a real scorcher out there. You turn up the AC please. What are you keep doing to keep on the cool side, Kelly


Kelly: I'm keeping it poolside, Brian.


Brian: Wow, that's an image well, folks. We know you're definitely not heading out of town. Not with these gas prices.


Kelly: Yes, costs at the pump continue to rise for the eighth consecutive month as consumers are faced with the prospect of massive price likes until the end of the summer.


Brian: Now, industry experts are unable to agree on the cause of the bull run, with some suggesting that patriotic Americans actually want to pay more.


Kelly: Absolutely,I would have filled up my pool with premium if I wasn't using it this weekend.


Brian: Like a true American, Kelly. Now here's my two cents, prices are going to keep going up for a couple of months, buy low sell high if you can and make sure you tune in for our boss sack analysis hour with Los Santos's resident oil baron Mason Duggan.


Kelly: And speaking of oil, I'll be back on to review the summer's best tanning oils is ethically harvested whale the new coconut.


Brian: Not sure but let me know if you need any help with that. Join in our phone discussion later today and listen to experts on both sides, lose their minds in exactly the way you'd expect.


Kelly: For more on the hour, every hour


Brian: Beat the heat with Weazel News.

用Weazel News战胜炎热。

Weazel News confirming your prejudices

Weazel News将证实你的偏见



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