原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-03-06 11:50:38 作者:無眠英語ENG Language




原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)-第0張


One of Liyue's traditional snacks. The stuffing is taken from whole fresh shrimp, and the glistening quality of the flour can be guessed at from the translucence of the outer skin. Has a springy, tasty chew.

stuffing /ˈstʌfɪŋ/ n. (烹飪前塞在雞、蔬菜等裡的)填料,餡

glistening /ˈɡlɪsnɪŋ/ adj. 閃亮的;閃耀的

璃月的傳統點心之一。 餡料選取整顆鮮蝦仁,盈亮的粉色在半透明的薄皮下隱約可見。輕嚼下去更是彈牙可口。

原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)-第1張


One of Liyue's traditional snacks. The dull outer skin has a rather sticky mouthfeel which, when combined with the dry stuffing within, makes this dish a torment best ended sooner.

torment /tɔːrˈment/ n. (肉體、精神上的)折磨,痛苦

璃月的傳統點心之一。 黯淡的外皮有著黏著的口感,配合乾癟的內餡,讓人只想儘快結束這場折磨。

原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)-第2張


One of Liyue's traditional snacks. The outer skin is as clear as its crystal namesake, and when it enters the mouth, one's tongue could be forgiven for thinking that the fresh shrimp within is still alive. Those who eat it can only lament that four pieces per serving is far, far too few.

namesake /ˈneɪmseɪk/ n. 名義

lament /ləˈment/ v. 抱怨

璃月的傳統點心之一。 外皮如水晶般晶瑩剔透,送入口中,舌尖彷彿有鮮活的蝦在蹦跳。直讓人感嘆一份四隻的數量實在不夠大快朵頤。

原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)-第3張


Xingqiu's specialty. This dish's almost artisan appearance makes one almost reluctant to tuck in. But once you get a taste, its fresh, light and lovely sweetness will make the dish hard to put down.... Hang on a moment. Did he throw the carrots out, by any chance?

tuck in 塞入;盡情地吃


原神|美食英語璃月篇~水晶蝦 Crystal Shrimp(行秋)-第4張



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