【个人翻译】-《命运简史》第一卷 「前言及介绍」#高塔藏书库第四期#

3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-23 10:02:00 作者:_Magpie Language






      The stories tell of a golden age, long ago, when our civilization spanned the system. It was a bright and hopeful time, but it didn't last...










       命运简史 第一卷: 黑镜,是关于你作为守护者的道路和暗影那挥之不去的诱惑。接下来的篇章将挑战你的认知,让你从不同的角度看这个世界:被征服的、被腐化的、被粉碎的。它并不代表一切,而是通过许多人物、许多人的视角,呈现了事件的一个版本。

The truth is for you to decide.






       The stories tell of a golden age, long ago, when our civilization spanned the system. It was a bright and hopeful time, but it didn't last...

       With these few words, the first delicate seeds of a universe were sown. Many hands had already begun to nurture the primordial ideas and form the bedrock of a world; many, many more would soon come to lend themselves to the task of tending what would become vast and varied gardens of story, and of names and places springing forth from the fundament. Some grew and grasped for the light, blossomed, and as human creations so often do, many of our world's myths and monuments fell to ruin.

       And now, here you are in the midst of a thousand radiant roses and ruinous ends. Within this anthology is a selection of voices-the fictional, but very much living characters that have witnessed the collapse of an age, yet goad and strive to shape a future to their own design.

       These tales, too, are only just a beginning. As you read, you may detect a thousand more stories still to come, dormant, hidden deep within the fertile soil. They'll whisper and grasp and dare to take root in your imagination-to inspire you not only with what is revealed and implied by these words, these pages, these works, but to allow you to imagine what may yet emerge. Each new revelation may itself be a seed to sow, nurture, and tend in the shaping of worlds to come.



       I have always felt that this world contains secrets, forgotten stories waiting to be discovered. However, like many players, I first ignored that feeling, and just pursued precious loot. It was only after my vault was full, and my enemies defeated that I asked why; why am I doing this?

       So it began. I read the journals of defeated enemies, the memories of a dying Ghost, the etchings on the barrel of a weapon, and realized there was much more to this world. I became not only a player but a storyteller, a chronicler of Destiny's history, infusing my discoveries with my own perspectives and interpretations. Weapons were no longer just weapons, armor no longer just armor, and enemies no longer just targets. Understanding the lore of Destiny complemented and enhanced the gameplay. Pulling the trigger now had weight, rockets howled with the sacrifice of fallen Guardians.

       I was not the first, and I will not be the last. Many others have been inspired by the history and fiction of Destiny, piecing together fragments of the Destiny Universe in their own way. Some stories are hidden, misleading, deceptive, and still fiercely debated. This anthology does not set out to solve these disputes but, instead, entice you to join the conversation.

       Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume I: Dark Mirror, is about your path as a Guardian and the haunting temptation of the dark. The collection of lore entries that follows challenges you to see this world through different perspectives: the vanquished, the corrupted, and the shattered. It does not represent everything, but rather presents a version of events told by many characters, through many eyes.

The truth is for you to decide.


A fellow Guardian‌

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