
3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-07-20 17:27:02 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language




Square Enix在採訪中向Gematsu表示,截至2021年9月,包括《最終幻想X》和《最終幻想X-2》在內的《最終幻想X》系列遊戲的全球實體版銷售量和數字版銷售量合計已經超過了2080萬套。

2013年10月,Square Enix宣佈《最終幻想X》系列售出超過1400萬份。由於這是在《最終幻想X/X-2》高清重製版發佈前統計的數據,所以可以假設重製版賣出了的680萬套。

Square Enix還宣佈,為慶祝《最終幻想》系列誕生35週年,《最終幻想X》歌舞劇將於2023年春季在東京IHI舞臺演出。表演者包括小野菊之助、中村志鬥、小野松屋、中村白石、中村滿太郎、中村米吉、中村志勤、上村七太郎、中村忍、班度彥三郎和班度雅九郎。





Total worldwide shipments and digital sales for the Final Fantasy X series, which includes Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, have surpassed 20.8 million units as of September 2021, Square Enix confirmed to Gematsu. In October 2013, Square Enix announced that the series had sold over 14 million copies. Since this was before the initial release of Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster, it can be assumed that the remastered collection makes up the additional 6.8 million units. In other news, Square Enix announced that a new Final Fantasy X kabuki play will be performed at IHI Stage Around Tokyo in spring 2023 as part of the Final Fantasy series’ 35th anniversary. Performers include Onoe Kikunosuke, Nakamura Shidou, Onoe Matsuya, Baishi Nakamura, Mantaro Nakamura, Yonekichi Nakamura, Nakamura Shikan, Kichitaro Kamimura, Shinobu Nakamura, Bando Hikosaburo, and Bando Yajuro. Visit the official website here.

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