
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-22 18:47:59 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




Grand Theft Auto 4 Definitive Edition Mod是一款图形增强MOD,新的模组对游戏的细节纹理和效果带来了巨大的提升。


早在7月外媒Kotaku就曾爆料R星正全力开发《GTA6》和 《GTA4》复刻项目,由此看来,官方正式的《GTA4》复刻版可能或许离和玩家们见面不远了。

Surprisingly, Kojima Productions announced that it has joined forces with NASA to create Space Ludens, a limited edition wristwatch that will go on sale starting September 27. Below you will find the teaser trailer of this peculiar project. The Space Ludens is produced by the company Anicorn Watches, which as the name suggests is a company specializing in the making of wristwatches, and is inspired by Ludens, the mascot of Hideo Kojima’s studio, also incorporating elements of the NASA logo. “Anicorn is honored to present the watch born from a unique collaboration, Space Ludens. An epic partnership that is inspired by Ludens to proclaim the creativity, imagination and importance of video games in culture,” reads the official announcement. “Anicorn designed Space Ludens with Kojima Productions using the NASA logo as one of the design motifs. The watch is basically inspired by Ludens’ all EVA / Extra-Vehicular Activity). Ludens is the icon and mascot of the Kojima studio. Productions designed by Yoji Shinkawa, born from the idea of ​​an astronaut exploring a digital space “. Space Ludens will be available for purchase on the official Anicorn Watches website a this address starting at 2:00 pm on Tuesday 27 September. At the moment, the price of the watch has not been revealed. As this is a limited edition collector’s item, we assume that the quantities are small, so if you are interested get ready for the opening of reservations. stay updated with Aroged

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