
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-14 18:39:58 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



《死亡细胞》大型DLC“重返恶魔城”已上线,科乐美《恶魔城》系列项目负责人Tsutomu Taniguchi近日接受IGN采访时透露,Konami知道粉丝们们想要更多的《恶魔城》,因此他们不可能错过与《死亡细胞》联动的机会。


Tsutomu Taniguchi称:“我们尝试着通过《恶魔城周年纪念合集》和《恶魔城精选集》带回玩家喜爱的游戏,我们还为PlayStation和手机端用户带来了《血之轮回》和《月下夜想曲》,并在Apple Arcade 上推出了《灵魂魔典》以庆祝该系列的传奇故事。我们知道粉丝总是想要更多《恶魔城》,Konami也是如此,所以此次与《死亡细胞》的联动机会是不可能错过的”。


值得一提的是,有爆料者表示一款新的《恶魔城》游戏正在开发中,Konami 将在今年的 E3 上正式公布。

Konami is clear that fans want to see more of Castlevania. Corresponding feedback was received in a motivating manner. Fans have been waiting for a new Castlevania game for years. At first, however, they had to be content with new editions of older titles and with crossover content. So Konami and Motion Twin teamed up to release the Return to Castlevania DLC for Dead Cells. The Castlevania animated Netflix series was also well received. Ultimately, the reactions of the fans apparently led to the brand being paid more attention again. Konami’s Tsutomu Taniguchi explained in an interview with IGNthat the company is aware of the “excitement and enthusiasm of fans online” and added that this is “very motivating” received by Konami. “We tried to bring back the games that people loved and cherished with the Castlevania Anniversary Collection and the Castlevania Advance Collection. We’ve also brought back Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night for our PlayStation fans and on mobile, and released Grimoire of Souls on Apple Arcade to celebrate the history of the series.” But you also know that the fans want more. In that sense, according to Taniguchi, for example, it was impossible to miss this “opportunity for this fantastic crossover with Dead Cells.” Even if fans of the series are happy about re-releases of older titles, many of them want to tackle a new main part above all. And indeed, something could be coming: rumor has it that Konami is currently working on a brand new “Castlevania” title to be announced at this year’s E3. Alongside this game, the company is reportedly also planning to unveil one Remakes von „Metal Gear Solid 3“. This may also interest you about Castlevania: The Castlevania series started with the first part in 1986 and is made up of numerous games that have been released regularly over the years. “Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2” from 2014 is the provisional conclusion. More Castlevania news. Discuss this news on the PlayStation Forum Links to Amazon, Media Markt, Saturn and some other retailers are usually affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we receive a small commission that we can use to finance the free-to-use site. You have no disadvantages.

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