《激戰2》開發商NCSoft公佈第三人稱射擊MMO《Project LLL》

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-11-14 18:10:32 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



近日,《激戰2》《劍靈》等遊戲的開發商NCSoft發佈了新作《Project LLL》的第一部遊戲預告片、開發者日記和文字採訪,一起來看看吧。


《激戰2》開發商NCSoft公佈第三人稱射擊MMO《Project LLL》-第0張

項目負責人Seeder Jaehyun Bae 在採訪中提到:“我們想創造一種與最近流行的射擊遊戲或大逃殺完全不同的新類型,我們希望通過結合關鍵詞“射擊”、“MMO”和“開放世界”的新IP,創建一個NC獨有的新市場。

《激戰2》開發商NCSoft公佈第三人稱射擊MMO《Project LLL》-第1張

據悉,《Project LLL》將提供一個廣闊的開放世界,其中超過 30 公里的陸地面積與環境無縫連接,是基於最新的虛幻引擎構建的。

《激戰2》開發商NCSoft公佈第三人稱射擊MMO《Project LLL》-第2張

Studio NCSOFT has announced a game called Project LLL. It is an open-world multiplayer third-person shooter slated for release in 2024 on consoles (until specified) and PC. The Project LLL game is being developed on Unreal Engine (version not named). The developers promise “a huge open world with more than 30 km of land.” Project LLL will have predefined characters, each with their own unique backstory. The game is made in the setting of science fiction, it can be attributed to the subgenre of alternative history. Recall that the NCSOFT studio is known for many multiplayer projects, including the Lineage series. Project LLL lead Sider Jaehyun Bae stated that the team aims to create “a new genre that is completely different from the looter shooters or battle royale that have been popular lately.”

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