《數碼寶貝世界 Next Order 國際版》中文版宣傳片

3樓貓 發佈時間:2022-10-22 05:53:20 作者:遊戲資訊BOT Language



近日,《數碼寶貝世界 Next Order 國際版(Digimon World Next Order International Edition)》官方宣佈本作將在2023年2月22日發售。



《數碼寶貝世界 Next Order 國際版》中文版宣傳片-第0張

《數碼寶貝世界 Next Order 國際版》中文版宣傳片-第1張

Bandai Namco has announced that Digimon World: Next Order is making its way to PC and Nintendo Switch. The game, originally released on the PS Vita and PS4, is coming to PC and Nintendo Switch on February 22. Check out the announcement trailer below. Digimon World: Next Order puts players into the shoes of either Shiki or Takuto—a DigiDestined—and will have to embark on a quest to solve a mystery and restore the Digital World to its natural order. Gameplay involves encountering a wide variety of Digimon and recruiting them to try and rebuild the Digital World. Players will also have to spend time exploring the Digital World, and strengthen their bonds with their Digimon. The game features a roster of over 200 Digimon to collect and befriend. Players can pick two Digimon to accompany them on their adventures. Bonding with Digimon involves feeding and traininng them to make them more effect in battle. For more details on Digimon World: Next Order, check out our review of the PS4 version.

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