
3楼猫 发布时间:2023-03-19 12:05:03 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language




《英灵神殿》本周早些时候登陆了Xbox Series X|S和Xbox平台,但看起来本作在主机平台并非Xbox独占。根据发给XGP订阅用户的邮件,《英灵神殿》仅在Xbox独占半年时间(6个月),随后很有可能会登陆PS5和PS4平台。


由于《英灵神殿》本月登陆了Xbox,因此登陆PS5和PS4最早时间应该在2023年9月14日。由外媒Twisted Voxel发现的电子邮件确认了Xbox平台的半年独占期。这并不意味着Xbox独占一结束就马上登陆PlayStation。


The news of the last few days relating to the panorama of productions coming to Game Pass is that of Valheim’s landing on Xbox One and Xbox Series X, after a long wait that made itself felt. At the moment nothing is known about its release even on the platforms of Xbox’s competition, given the possible exclusivity of the IP. While Iron Gate Studios’ comment on the release of Valheim on PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch was not long in coming, details on the permanence of the product on the Microsoft ecosystem for a limited period of time. Everything emerges from an email sent to users who have subscribed to the well-known service offered by the Redmond house. In fact, according to what can be deduced from what was received by e-mail from Xbox Game Pass subscribers, Valheim could be exclusive for six months of time. This means, in other words, that there may not be any sightings of the PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch versions on the horizon until the latter months of 2023. The body of the email refers to the extension of the exclusivity of the Xbox version for six months but, despite this, we await further confirmation from the guys at Iron Gate Studios to find out more. However, from the latest statements by Jonathan Smars we know that the team is currently grappling with the only version released on the Xbox ecosystemwhich could confirm what was stated in the email sent to Xbox Game Pass subscribers.

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