
3楼猫 发布时间:2022-09-08 12:46:15 作者:游戏资讯BOT Language



Osman在日本被称为Cannon Dancer,于1996年2月首次在街机厅推出,从未被移植到其他平台。

Osmanis将于2023年在PlayStation 4和Switch上以实体和数字形式推出。


该游戏由日本设计师Kouichi Yotsui设计,他还设计了最初的街机版《骑士》。故事讲述了一个名叫麒麟的中东主角,他在赛博朋克的阿拉伯环境中赤手空拳地战斗。


ININ Games has released the debut trailer for the recently announced PlayStation 4 and Switch re-release of Osman, the Mitchell Corporation-developed arcade side-scrolling action platformer. Known as Cannon Dancer in Japan, Osman first launched in arcades in February 1996, and was never ported to other platforms. The game was designed by Kouichi Yotsui, who also designed the original arcade version of Strider. Its story follows a Middle Eastern protagonist named Kirin, who fights without any weapons, in a cyberpunk Arabian setting. Osman is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch in 2023 in both physical and digital formats. Watch the trailer below.

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