@everyone Hi folks. Sorry to be using this channel for the first time for something unfortunate, but Jordan, an artist and friend who created pixel art of many of Freebird's characters that you may have seen, had passed away earlier this year -- and it's the first Christmas for his family without him.
For those who knew of him through his work, please consider emailing some kind words to his mom, via lora@freebirdgames.com. Let's try to help sending some positive vibes their way.
Thank you!
@所有人 大家好。很抱歉第一次用这个频道来传达一些不幸的事情,但是Jordan,我的一个画师朋友,他创造了许多你可能见过的Freebird(自由鸟)角色的像素艺术,在今年的早些时候他离开了这个世界——这是他的家人第一次过没有他在的圣诞节。
对那些知道他的作品而了解他的人,请考虑通过 lora@freebirdgames.com 给他的妈妈发封友善的邮件,让我们试着转递一些积极的信息。

P.S. 图上都是Freebird games的作品里的人物