【侠盗猎车手5】R星编辑器将不再支持PS4和Xbox one

3楼猫 发布时间:2024-01-19 11:26:08 作者:GTAOL英文区 Language

来源于 Rockstarintel.com

【侠盗猎车手5】R星编辑器将不再支持PS4和Xbox one-第0张

Rockstar Games are removing the Rockstar Editor from GTA V and GTA Online. In a surprising move, the game studio announced on Thursday they’d be removing a major feature from the game on two platforms.

R星将从GTA V和GTA Online中删除Rockstar编辑器。令人惊讶的是,游戏工作室周四宣布,他们将在两个平台上删除游戏中的一项主要功能。

Rockstar Editor is the great feature which has allowed players to record and edit videos inside GTA V’s Story Mode and GTA Online. Many incredible creations by the community have been shared since its arrival first on PC in Spring 2015. In that Summer, Rockstar brought it to Xbox One and PS4.

Rockstar编辑器是一个伟大的功能,它允许玩家在GTA V的故事模式和GTA Online中录制和编辑视频。自2015年春季首次登陆PC以来,社区的许多令人难以置信的创作已经被分享。在那个夏天,Rockstar将它带到了Xbox One和PS4。

A new post was shared on the Rockstar Support website announced the removal of the Rockstar Editor along with details such as the removal date. This is what Rockstar have to say:


Changes to be made to Rockstar Editor in Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One

在PlayStation 4或Xbox One上的Grand Theft Auto V中更改Rockstar编辑器

【侠盗猎车手5】R星编辑器将不再支持PS4和Xbox one-第1张

The Rockstar Editor will no longer be available in Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles as of February 20, 2024. This change is necessary to allow us to support ongoing updates to these games on both platforms.”

Rockstar编辑器将于2024年2月20日起不再在PlayStation 4和Xbox One游戏机上的《侠盗猎车手5》和《GTA Online》中提供。这一变化是必要的,使我们能够支持这些游戏在两个平台上的持续更新。

So on Tuesday February 20th, we will likely see a patch taking the feature out or disabling it until the next bigger patch. Many fans have speculated in the past how long Rockstar will be able to support the last gen consoles due to the dwindling amount of RAM from all of the content Rockstar continue to add to GTA Online.

因此,在2月20日星期二,我们可能会看到一个补丁将该功能移除或禁用,直到下一个更大的补丁。许多粉丝在过去猜测,由于Rockstar继续添加到GTA Online的所有内容的RAM减少,Rockstar将能够支持最后一代游戏机多长时间。

Details on Rockstar Editor clip removal and how to save them


Rockstar state “All Clips or Projects will be deleted on February 20, 2024, when the Rockstar Editor is removed from these platforms.” However, you do have time to export those projects as videos. This can be done following these steps provided by Rockstar Games:

Rockstar声明“所有剪辑或项目将于2024年2月20日从这些平台上删除Rockstar编辑器时删除。但是,您确实有时间将这些项目导出为视频。这可以按照Rockstar Games提供的这些步骤完成:

“Important: Exporting your Projects from your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, will upload them to YouTube. You will need to connect your Rockstar Games account to the YouTube account you want to upload your video to.

重要提示:从PlayStation 4或Xbox One导出您的项目将它们上传到YouTube。您需要将您的Rockstar Games帐户连接到要上传视频的YouTube帐户。

1 Open the Rockstar Editor


2 Select Video Gallery


3 Select the Project you want to Export


4 Select Upload to YouTube, then yes


1 If no YouTube account has been linked to your Rockstar Games account, then select Yes to continue to link your accounts

如果没有YouTube帐户链接到您的Rockstar Games帐户,请选择“是”继续链接您的帐户

2 Follow instructions to link your YouTube account to your Rockstar Games account

按照说明将您的YouTube帐户链接到您的Rockstar Games帐户

3 Return to game after linking the accounts


5 If you agree to the Sharing Policy, select Upload


6 Confirm your video title, then the video description, tagging, etc.”


【侠盗猎车手5】R星编辑器将不再支持PS4和Xbox one-第2张

It is a shame to see this feature removed especially as it has allowed so many amazing videos from talented fans. However, it appears to be necessary to do if more content is to come for the PS4 and Xbox One. Many millions of people still play on the last gen systems but around 70 million PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles have been sold in just over 3 years.

看到这个功能被删除是一种耻辱,特别是它允许有才华的粉丝制作如此多令人惊叹的视频。然而,如果PS4和Xbox One将有更多内容,这似乎是必要的。数以百计的人仍然在上一代主机上玩,但在短短3年多的时间里,约有7000万台PS5和Xbox Series X|S已售出。

Rockstar still aiming to support the old gen with content and they likely can see how many people are using the Editor. If it is not a huge amount, it will have made this tough decision a little easier.


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